Feature rich, low cost web site solution
A web site service - as easy as sending an email...
I do not have an affiliation with the BPAA and do not get compensated in any way if you try the service. I like to recommend proven services when I see a need. Many of my client centers are reporting success with the BPAA hosted web sites.
Many of my client centers use the BPAA Web design and hosting service and are very happy with the results and low cost...
- a one time $199 template setup fee
- an optional one time $199 set-up-my-site fee (ex: the BPAA Web Team can copy info from an old site to a new site)
- $15 per mo hosting
This means you can get a new web site for $199 when you handle entering in your center's basic info (easy to do). If you don't want to lift a finger, use their $199 set-up-my-site service and let the BPAA Web Team populate your new site with your center info, specials, coupons, pictures, etc.
The hosting cost is just $15 a month.
A great example of success is my client center Ross Cottom Lanes in Harrisburg IL. The center was using a gorgeous site created by a local web agency. The downside was that the site cost thousands to setup, had a $100+ a month cost to host, and most troubling of all...the agency billed the center $40 to make any kind of change. The site required programming knowledge to make even a simple text change.
Today Ross Cottom Lanes pays $15 a month a beautful, feature rich site that they easily keep updated on their own with the built in editing tools that are as easy to use as writing an email.
Take a look at their site... www.RossCottomLanes.com
Next step...
Call my contact person in the BPAA Web Services group...
Ronny Dodd 800-343-1329 x8440
Ronny is easy to talk to and can get your questions answered. His team can get a site online for you in just a few days with no heavy lifting required of center management.
BPAA Web Services site... www.BPAA.com
My story...
Since 2007 (see bio) I have had the opportunity to talk with hundreds of hard working centers about filling lanes with new customers using Merchant Coupons that advertise outside of the center to attract new bowlers.
While I dial the phone and wait for the call to connect I look at a lot of bowling center web sites to learn more about centers whose business I want to earn and to catch up with what my existing client centers are promoting and accomplishing.
I find that bowling center web sites that are hosted with the BPAA Web Services service...
- always look organized and professional
- have critical business building features
(email list manager, online party reservation system, photos & videos, etc.)
- and appear to be easy to update since the information is current
My motivation...
Again, I do not have an affiliation with the BPAA and do not get compensated in any way if you try the service. I like to recommend proven services when I see a need. Many of my client centers are reporting success with the BPAA hosted web sites.
My mission is to help you fill lanes and develop new customers by sharing solutions that are working in the centers I am in contact with.
I care about the quality of the web site for each center I serve. When a center hires me, I print their web site URL on the 120,000 coupons we place in McDonald's and other high-traffic merchants. I want all of those new web site visitors to land on a great web site that looks modern and can capture email addresses and motivate new bowlers to visit the center.
I love mixing proven marketing methods like our Merchant Coupon Program with modern technology including web sites, online social networks, email, texting, etc., so I am always happy to brainstorm with you or answer questions if you ever need a 3rd party opinion.
Let me know if you end up giving the BPAA web site service a try,
Chris 800-603-3985 Ext 42
Chris Swanson BMA Marketing Wolcott CT