
Several of the Word projects involve longer, more complicated academic documents of the sort you may soon be writing for classes at this school. These projects include this Outline Project and also the Table of Contents, Footnotes, and Index. This project has two parts. The first is based on a textbook chapter. The second is (will be) an exercise in organizing a flattened, mixed up outline into a tree structure.

Part I

The detailed, step-by-step instructions will be distributed on paper in class. Two starter files are available for download from the FTP server within the classroom. They are Lesson 10A.doc and Lesson 10B.doc. Follow the instructions in the handout and given verbally. The instructions include screen shots showing how the documents should look on the screen and Outline.pdf shows how the first document would look printed out.

You will be working in pairs so that one student can be the navigator (instruction reader) and the other can drive (type). The instructions are broken up into four mini-lessons. Switch roles between each mini-lesson. You should learn to perform all of the word processing tasks yourself, either by doing them or watching them being done and asking questions if necessary. Part II will include solo activities to test your proficiency.

Technical Requirements

If you follow the written instructions carefully, you will have two documents to submit. (If you follow the oral instructions there will be three files and an extra credit point.) The first file should look (and act) exactly like the printed version above and the file from which it originated. In an outline, not only proper order is required, but also proper hierarchical structure. Make sure the items are properly arranged and that the file is named as instructed. The points break down as follows with each item worth one:

    • Correct file name

    • Executive Summary line

    • Assessment line

    • Current Environment line

    • Business Needs line

    • System Strategies line

    • Hardware line

    • Software line

    • Text line

    • Outline.doc

The second and possibly third documents are edited versions of the starter files. You add or manipulate several entries in the outline and also number the whole thing with a customized number option. Instructions have you save the file twice, once before numbering and once afterwards, with the same name. If rather than overwriting the first version you instead saved System Plan Outline A.doc and System Plan Outline B.doc as suggested, you have an extra credit point. Each item below is worth a point.

    • Long Range Plan

    • Hardware/Software

    • Pricing

    • Pricing on the recommended...

    • Numbering in general

    • Section 1:

    • System Plan Outline.doc

    • +Two versions submitted

There is an additional point for attaching both/all files to a single email message.


Parts I and II should be submitted separately. You may email the documents from Part I or copy them to a computer the teacher makes available in the classroom.


There is a point for each of the technical requirements listed above, one extra credit point marked with +, and a point for attaching the documents as requested.

Part II

The second part is a computer-aided exercise designed to ensure that each member of the pair has had sufficient practice manipulating an outline. At the press of a button in AutoOutline.doc, a random outline is produced and inserted into the current document. Each line in the document begins with a number that specifies where it fits into the outline. The student should arrange the text of the document both vertically and horizontally into the outline. Vertical should probably come first so that each line is in the right order, and then horizontal adjustments can be made to show what lines are subtopics of others.

The numbering system used looks like this:

    • 1.

        • 1.1

        • 1.2

            • 1.2.1

            • 1.2.2

        • 1.3.

    • 2.

        • 2.1

        • 2.2

        • 2.3

            • 2.3.1

            • 2.3.2

    • 3.

Immediately following any numbered outline item, there should be an item with the same number followed by the word Text. Thus, immediately following 1.2.1 is 1.2.1.Text which is the actual content of the plainly numbered item. The example document for part two of the project shows how the outline should look.


Call your document AutoOutline.doc or AutoOutline.docx so that I can easily search for it. Attach the finished version to an email or submit it on a USB drive.


    • 1 Correct file name

    • Outline

        • 5 Completely sorted vertically and adjusted horizontally with very few mistakes

        • 4 Completely sorted vertically and adjusted horizontally with some mistakes

        • 3 Completely sorted vertically and adjusted horizontally with many mistakes

        • 2 Mostly sorted

        • 1 Partially sorted

        • 0 Unsorted

    • 1 Attached to well-formed email (with matching subject)