Activity of Sept. 16, 2010

Post date: Sep 16, 2010 8:46:55 PM

In your company folders you should find a revised syllabus to read and keep. You should share it with your parents, especially the part about Google accounts. This paper has my email address and the URL of the course website on it for reference.

There will be another quiz not tomorrow, but (probably) next Friday including the content of the previous quiz, plus any terms we have encountered in the meantime. On the one hand, distractors will be included, but on the other hand, we should have discussed all the terms in the meantime. Also on the quiz will be a diagram of the main Word window including all the controls for you to identify. We will practice this starting tomorrow.

You should finish the Our Favorites project today. Several people seem to have claimed to have finished, but when I look at the project, there are numerous problems with it. Your customer is unlikely to pay if you haven't delivered the requested work and your boss won't be happy, either. We'll look quickly at two problems that I observed, one with the file name and another with hidden column breaks.

Before you turn in your favorites document, be sure to let the other pair in your company see it. Really, you should go through the entire checklist again and make sure it's all there. To emphasize this responsibility, each pair's grade for the project will be averaged with the other pair's. The average will be weighted so that the final score is not halfway between the two, but one third the way. This means that the producers of the document have more responsibility than the checkers, but that the checkers still must do "quality quality" control.

If your favorites are turned in, work first on the newsletter before other tasks.