Lorem Ipsum in Style

In this project we reuse an old text, the familiar Lorem Ipsum, in a new way: we add style and Styles. Style with a small s will refer to properties of text that give it its look and feel. The properties are separate from the abstract words on the pages and include the font, color, alignment, borders, and more. These properties can be recorded in formal Styles with a capital S, and this helps us separate form from content. One of these Styles can be applied to a paragraph or portion of text and then it will look just like others with the same Style. Styles can also be edited to affect large portions of a document all at once.


You can choose to work on this project alone or with a partner. If you work with a partner, submit a document of two pages. Styles used on the first page should begin with one partner's name and those on the second page should begin with the other partner's name. You can look at a sample document set up for one person to guide you.

    1. Create a new document and call it LoremIpsum.doc right away. Documents of other names and formats will not be accepted. Capitalization and spacing are significant.

    2. Visit the Wikipedia Lorem Ipsum entry, copy the example text from it, and paste it as Unformatted Unicode Text into the document. Use the Edit | Paste Special... dialog for this purpose. Use this format so that the HTML formatting is not copied to the page. Paste the paragraph five more times for a total of six paragraphs.

    3. Format the first paragraph in some kind of plain way that looks good but isn't anything special. Set the font and font size, for instance. It will work best if you format the entire paragraph like this. Leave the paragraph selected and then in the format menu choose Styles and Formatting... Click on the New Style... button. Give the style a name like "Jeff's plain style" and click OK. The style will be remembered.

    4. Click on the second paragraph so that it is highlighted. Adjust the style in enough ways to make it interesting and exciting. You can change the text color, alignment, character formatting, borders, and more. When it looks interesting, create another new style like "Jeff's exciting style." Consider creating special holiday themes using fonts and color. A Valentine's or St. Patrick's Day style would be impressive.

    5. Repeat the previous step with the third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs, altering the style and providing a different name. You will build up a library of styles that you find interesting.

    6. Right now all paragraphs except the last one should have a different style created by you. Decide which one is your favorite. Select the last paragraph and then click on your favorite style in the list. The paragraph should instantly change to match.

    7. Imagine that you have now changed your mind about the style and want to tweak it just a little. Modify the style by clicking on the down arrow that appears next to it when you mouse over and choose Modify... Make a change that you are sure to notice and then click OK. Your two paragraphs with this particular style should change to match your specification. Undo the change if you decide they don't look better after all.


Simply email your file or transfer it by USB drive.


Submit a document with the right name and format along with five different styles for five paragraphs and a repeated style for the last paragraph and you have finished with a 95%. Documents substantially different from specifications receive a C 75%, documents more resembling unfinished work receive 55%, and documents not turned in receive 0%. There may be up to a 5% bonus for creativity.

Note: when grading of this project moved to the second trimester, it became subject to the early/late policy of the second trimester. Also a more exact breakdown of points has them awarded for name, six paragraphs, plain style, exciting styles (4), and favorite.