Activity of Nov. 2, 2010

Post date: Nov 02, 2010 8:55:40 PM

In celebration of election day and our need to collect five different addresses to make our Mail Merge Project (details coming soon) a reasonable task, we'll begin with a treasure hunt. Track down on the internet the mailing addresses of

    1. The Governor of Arizona

    2. U.S. Senator 1 of Arizona

    3. U.S. Senator 2 of Arizona

    4. The President of the United States

    5. One famous person of your choice (Lady Gaga?)

Enter these into your mail merge spreadsheet and be prepared to print out copies of your newsletter destined for these recipients.

Now that you've collected a trimester's worth of experience in Microsoft Office programs and the school's computing infrastructure, our overly flexible due dates will be tightened down for the second trimester. You have one outstanding activity, something planned to last only part of a class period: the Lorem Ipsum instructions. The deadline for those is at the end of class on Wednesday. Projects in the works are Lorem Ipsum and Mail Merge. These are intended to span multiple days. Lorem Ipsum is due at the end of class on Thursday and Mail Merge is due on Friday. Note that other activities will be conducted in the meantime, so not all of the interim time is available to you to work undistracted.

There will be a bonus for submitting work early, such as before the end of class: 5%. Work submitted between the end of class and 10pm via email will be considered on time. There will be a deduction for work submitted late (after 10pm through the end of the next class period): 10% per day. If there is some perturbance in the force, such as a glitch with your USB drive or email, just take it into accuont. Turn two projects in early to make up for the one late project. If there are complete failures of the computing infrastructure at school which slow us down, then the due date will be postponed.