Activity of Oct. 28, 2010

Post date: Oct 28, 2010 3:47:0 PM

Yesterday's votes are tallied and there are certificates to distribute.

Some students are on the front (leading, cutting, or bleeding) edge of the assignments and are waiting to work on projects which have not been adequately documented. You can earn extra points and have more fun by starting them early, but you risk needing to redo some of the work if/when the project changes before it is formally assigned. If you are still interested, just ask, and you will probably be given links to secret URLs with rough drafts of materials.

Other students need to very quickly finish projects before the end of the trimester and they will be allowed to work on them today and tomorrow. Remember, as has been stated numerous times before, you must revise the Equation Editor Project until you receive all the points. The second half of that project is all or nothing. Either it meets the style guidelines or your document is not published.

The Lorem Ipsum in Style projects are starting to be submitted. Here are some additional guidelines to follow in case, despite careful reading of and listening to instructions, you are still confused:

    • You must submit the instructions with highlights before submitting the project. Projects arriving before the instructions will be ignored and must be resubmitted after instructions have been submitted in satisfactory condition.

    • Give your styles meaningful names. The name might describe the formatting in human-friendly terms (e.g., orange calligraphy) or the situation in which you use the style (list element style). The name that Word automatically provides is almost certainly unhelpful. Numbering the styles is probably not a good long-term strategy. If you work in pairs, indicate in the style name who it belongs to.

    • Two of the six paragraphs should have the same style, your favorite one.