Activity of Apr. 7, 2011

Post date: Apr 07, 2011 7:53:50 PM

You have three objectives today. The first is to complete the questions associated with FizzBuzz and turn them in with your project. You will hear one more presentation, this one about BizzBuzz, in order to help you with the questions. The project is due today, so make this your priority. If you can turn it in before class ends, it is worth 5% more.

Tomorrow you have a second chance on the Database Terms quiz. Think about what went wrong the first time (e.g., no studying) and adjust your process. Quiz your friends. We may spend some time with electronic flash cards.

The next activity, formally starting tomorrow, will be a short Scratch treasure hunt. If you are completely finished, ask for the URL to the collection of treasures you are hunting. These will be used for the next short project, a slide show.