Activity of Oct. 4, 2010

Post date: Oct 04, 2010 6:3:31 PM

We're going to try a warm-up exercise today. Reproduce this document with the + using the drawing tools in preparation for doing it another way with bar tabs and leaders. We won't submit these smaller activities by email, but rather by checking screens. Have your document displayed when I visit.

If your computer from home needs to be configured to get onto the network, please let me know right away so that you can see the example document.

We'll next review the newsletter requirements. Recall that we are being paid by Mr. Franchise to make them for Mr. Customer. Mr. Franchise hopes that one of this companies will get the contract to make the newsletter for the company that Mr. Customer works for. Before we show it to anyone outside the franchise, however, we'll do an internal evaluation. Make sure your newsletter passes. Turn in what you have so far today so that I can see how close it is to being finished.