RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Coordinate Geometry

RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Coordinate Geometry

Exercise 6A

Question 1:

Draw the perpendiculars from the AF, BG, CH, DI and EJ on the x-axis.

(1) The distance of A from the y-axis = OF = -6 units

The distance of A from the x-axis = AF = 5 units

Hence, the coordinate of A are (-6, 5)

(2)The distance of B from the y-axis = OG = 5 units

The distance of B from the x-axis = BG = 4 units

Hence, the coordinate of B are (5, 4)

(3)The distance of C from the y-axis = OH = -3 units

The distance of C from the x-axis = HC = 2 units

Hence, the coordinate of C are (-3, 2)

(4)The distance of D from the y-axis = OI = 2 units

The distance of D from the x-axis = ID = -2 units

Hence, the coordinate of D are (2, -2)

RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Coordinate Geometry
RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Coordinate Geometry