A Shady Plot

A Shady Plot





Question 2. The title of the story is 'A Shady PW. The dictionary defines the words as

Shady adjective

(a) Full of shade; shaded.

(b) Casting shade; a shady grove.

(c) Quiet, dark, or concealed; hidden.

(d) Of dubious character or Of questionable honesty.

Plot noun

(a) (i) a small piece of ground, generally used for a specific purpose; a garden plot.

(ii) a measured area Of land

(b) a ground plan, as for a building, a diagram.

(c) storyline-the plan scheme, or main story of a literacy or dramatic work, as a play, novel, or short, or.

(d) a secret plan to accomplish a hostile or illegal purpose; a scheme.

Based on the definitions above can you predict what the story will be about? Make a brief note Of your prediction in your notebook.

Answer: Based on the definitions of the words, we can guess that the story will be about some concealed or hidden matter, whether natural or supernatural. This may be covered up by a hidden plot made by some

people to achieve an evil and sinister end. It can also relate to a crme or for harassing someone.

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