RS Aggarwal Class 10 Solutions Arithmetic Progressions

Question 1:

The given progression is 3, 9, 15, 21 .....

Clearly (9 - 3) = (15 - 9) = (21 - 15) = 6 which is constant

Thus, each term differs from its preceding term by 6

So, the given progression is an AP

Its first term = 3 and the common difference = 6

Question 2:

The given progression is 16, 11, 6, 1, -4 ....

Clearly (11 - 16) = (1 - 6) = (-4 - 1) = - 5 which is constant

Thus, each term differs from its preceding term by - 5

So the given progression is an AP

Its first term = 16 and the common difference = - 5

RS Aggarwal Class 10 Solu...s Arithmetic Progressions
RS Aggarwal Class 10 Solu...s Arithmetic Progressions