Area of a Triangle Trig

Area of a Triangle Trig

We are all familiar with the formula for the area of a triangle, A = 1/2 bh , where b stands for the base and h stands for the height drawn to that base.

In the triangle shown below, the area could be expressed as: A= 1/2ah

Area of Triangle Using Trigonometry-1

Now, let's be a bit more creative and look at the diagram again. By using the right triangle on the left side of the diagram, and our knowledge of trigonometry, we can state that: Sin c =h/b

b Sin c = h

This tells us that the height, h, can be expressed as b sinC.

If we substitute this new expression for the height, we can write the triangle area formula as: A = 1/2 ab Sin C

Area of Triangle Using Trigonometry-2
Area of a Triangle Trig

area of a triangle trig

area of triangle trig

1/2 ab sin c

area of a triangle using sine

area of a triangle formula trig

trig area of a triangle

area of triangle using sine

area of a triangle using trig

area of a triangle sin

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trig area formula

area of a triangle trig formula

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area of triangle with sin

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area of triangle using trig

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finding the area of a triangle using trig

how to find area of a triangle using trig

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area of a triangle with trig

area of triangle 1/2 ab sin c

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