Iswaran the Storyteller

Iswaran the Storyteller

Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

(About 30-40 words each)

Q.1. What impact did Iswaran's story of a female ghost have on Mahendra ? (SA-1,2014)

Ans. Mahendra avoided looking out of the window when the moon was full. He went to bed with a certain unease and peered into the darkness to make sure that there was no movement of dark shapes outside.

Q. 2. Why did Mahendra become fond of Iswaran ? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-013)

Ans. Mahendra became fond of Iswaran because he was a very resourceful person and took very good care of him. He was a trained cook and could also arrange for things at a desolate place. In addition to this he took very good care of Mahendra.

Iswaran the Storyteller

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