The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

Very Long Questions Based on theme and Plot Involving Interpretation and Inference (150-200 words & 10 marks each)

Q. 1. What were the qualities that attracted everyone towards Helen before she fell victim to her mysterious ill¬ness ? Give your views. (Board Term-I 2014, Set PRE2N18)

Ans. Value Points:

• bright and happy child

• eager, self-asserting disposition

• as the first baby, she came, she saw, she conquered

• imitated everything others did-actions and words

• attracted everyone's attention (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014)

Detailed Answer:

Helen was a very bright and happy child. She attracted everyone's attention towards her with her mischiefs.

In her childhood, she was an eager and self-asserting child. She imitated everyone and leamt walking as well as talking at an early age. She was the first baby in her family so she received the love and affection of her family members to the maximum. Helen herself wrote 1 came, I saw, I conquered' as the first baby in the family

does. She started walking when she was a year old. Her mother had just taken her out of the bath-tub and was holding her in her lap when she started walking towards the leaves that danced in the sunlight. Even her naming ceremony was a big event. She was not to be lightly named being the first baby in the family. She initiated every one and learnt talking at an early age. Everyone got attracted towards her due to these qualities.

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

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