CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Active And Passive Voice

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar - Active And Passive Voice


Voice is that form of the transitive verb that shows whether the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action or has the action done to it. For example:

‘Mohan played football.’—This sentence is said to be in the active voice. Here, Mohan is the subject and he is the doer of the action, i.e. ‘played football’. The action of the subject is transferred to the object ‘football because Mohan has done something to the ‘football’. The passive voice of this sentence is:

Football was played by Mohan.

Here the subject is ‘football’ which was ‘object’ in the active sentence. So here something is done to the subject ‘football’, i.e. it suffers the action done by something or someone.

Changes in Pronous

CBSE Class 10 English Gra... Active And Passive Voice
CBSE Class 10 English Gra... Active And Passive Voice