The Solitary Reaper

The Solitary Reaper

Extract Based Questions (3 Marks each)

Q.1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions/complete the sentences that follow:

'Behold her, single in the field,

Yon solitary highland lass !

Reaping and singing by herself;

Stop here or gently pass!' (Board Term 12014, MZPD310)

(a)Why does a speaker ask to stop or gently pass ?

(b)To whom does the poet say 'stop here or gently pass'!

(c)What does 'behold her' mean ?

Ans. (a) The speaker says so lest the girl should be disturbed and stop singing?

(b)To the passers-by

(c)look at her

Q. 2. "Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow.

For old, unhappy, far off things."

(a)What do the 'plaintive numbers' refer to ?

(b)Why does the poet use the word 'perhaps' here ?

(c)Pick out a word similar in meaning to 'to move continuously'.(Board Term 12013, EWAJ2JM)

Ans. (a) 'The plaintive numbers' refer to, the highland gtrl's

(b) The poet uses the word 'perhaps' here because he doesnofknow her language.

(C) Flow.

The Solitary Reaper
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