RD Sharma Class 9 Solutions Surface Areas and Volume of a Cuboid and Cube

RD Sharma Class 9 Solutions Surface Areas and Volume of a Cuboid and Cube

    1. If a Cubiod has length l, breadth b, and height h, then
      • Perimetof Cubiod = 4(l + b + h)
      • Surface area of the cubiod = 2(lb+bh+lh)
      • Lateral surface area of the cubiod = 2(l+b)xh
      • Volume of the Cubiod = lbh
    2. If the length of each edge of a cube is l, then
      • Perimeter of the cube = 12l = 12 (Edge)
      • Surface area of the Cube = 6l2 = 6 (Edge)2
      • Lateal surface area of the cube = 4l2 =4(Edge)2
      • Volume of the cube =l3 = (Edge)3
RD Sharma Class 9 solutions Chapter 18 Surface Area and volume of cuboid and cube Ex 18.1 Q 1
RD Sharma Class 9 Solutio...lume of a Cuboid and Cube
RD Sharma Class 9 Solutio...lume of a Cuboid and Cube