Best Seller NCERT

Best Seller NCERT


‘Best Seller’ underlines the idea that most of us say something and practise something else, knowingly or unknowingly. John A. Pescud, the protagonist, is a successful salesman. He chases a girl, meets her father and is able to marry her. She belongs to a very rich family of belted earls and lives in a huge, palatial building, where he himself belongs to an ordinary, middle-class family. When he meets the narrator, he has the temerity to criticise the authors of best sellers who unrealistically mix scenes and characters, showing people belonging to two diametrically opposed backgrounds in love and getting married. It shows that he is a hypocrite. Perhaps he is unware of it.


(i) John A. Pescud

John A. Pescud is a very successful salesman. His salary has been raised, and he has built a house in the East End. Though he denies that he has a romantic nature, he has followed a girl of his choice for hundred of miles. He adores the girl whom he has now married. He is a hypocrite. He criticises the authors of best sellers for being unrealistic in mixing scenes and characters from different backgrounds. But he himself marries a girl from aristocratic background while he himself is a middle-class person.

Best Seller NCERT
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