Acids, Bases and Salts

Acids, Bases and Salts


You have been provided with three test tubes. One of them contains distilled water and the other two contain an acidic solution and a basic solution respectively. If you are given only red litmus paper, how will you identify the contents of each test tube?


The contents of each test tube would be identified by change in colour of red litmus paper. For example, when we wet the red litmus paper with the basic solution, it changes into blue colour. Put the changed blue litmus paper in the solution which turns the blue to red will be the acidic solution. The solution, which has no effect on any litmus paper, will be neutral and hence it will be distilled water.


Why should curd and sour substances not be kept in brass and copper vessels?


Curd and other sour foodstuffs contain acids, which can react with the metal of the vessel to form poisonous metal compounds which can cause food poisoning and damage our health.


Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal?


When an acid reacts with metal, a salt and hydrogen gas is formed. i.e

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