Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 2 Answers


Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 2 Answers 1CT

Bacillus anthracis is a bacterium that causes disease called anthrax. It was first observed by the Koch, when he examined the infected blood of animals and found a rod shaped bacterium forming chains. He observed that the endospores within the bacterial cells, when injected in to mice, produced anthrax.

Anthrax primarily affects herbivorous animals. It is mainly infected by spores from the soil. Bacillus anthracis have an outer layer containing endospores. The endospores outer layer is made up of D-glutamic acid, which disguises the bacterium from immune surveillance. Due to this reason white blood cells are unable to destroy the endospores.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 2 Answers 1FB

The outer most electron of an atom is known as valence electron. The outer most shell of an atom is known as valence shell. The valence of an atom is defined as its joining capacity.

The valence shell is considered positive when it contains an extra electron to give up. The valence shell that has space to fill in electrons is considered as negative.

For example, calcium atom has two electrons in its valance shell, thus having a valence of +2. The oxygen has two spaces to fill its valence shell, thus having a valance of -2.

Hence, the correct option is valence shell.