A Dog Named Duke

Q.1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions/complete the sentences that follow:

"All they knew was that their new neighbour walked like a struggling mechanical giant and that he was

always pulled by a rampageous dog......"

(a)Who does 'they7 stand for ?

(b)Who walked like a struggling giant and why ?

(c)What does the word, 'rampageous' mean ?(Board Term 1,2015 6SOOKQ5, BR7GWHM)

Ans.(a) Neighbours. (CBSEMaridng Scheme 2015) (1x3=3)

(a)Why did Duke never jump on Chuck again?

(b)What spedal quality did Duke exhibit here ?

(c)Why did he take a post beside his master's bed? (Board Term 1,2012, Set 35)

Q. 2. 'Go run around the house Duke'. But Duke wouldn't. He'd lie down with a reproachful eye on Hooper.

(a)Whatdo these lines tell us about Duke ?

(b)Reproachful means

(c)Duke was unhappy with Hooper because (Board Term 1,2014 FROK4W1)

Ans.(a) Neighbours.

(b)Check as his can sade was paratyped

(c) Showing violent and wild behaviour

A Dog Named Duke

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