Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth

Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth

Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth






The poem conveys the necessity of taking care of teeth in one’s childhood. The poet regrets that she did not take care of her teeth during her childhood. So she developed many cavities beneath her teeth. She harmed her teeth by eating a lot of toffees, sweet and sticky food. Now she realizes that she should not have eaten those lollies, candies and tiny sweets. She feels guilty on thinking about her bad habits. To make the matter worse, she did not brush her teeth properly. Now she had to go to the dentist for treatment. She had to bear the pain of injection and of the dentist’s drill. When she sat in the dentist’s chair, she became desperate. When she looked at the false teeth of her mother she reminded herself to be careful otherwise she would also have to get false teeth.


Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow :

Question 1:

‘Oh I showed them the toothpaste all right,

I flashed it about late at night,

But up-and-down brushin’.

And pokin ‘and fussin’.

Didn’t seem worth the time—I could bite.

(a) What is ‘them’ being referred to in the first line ? Why did the poet show them the toothpaste ?

(b) Explain the phrase ‘pokin’ and ‘fussin’.

(c) What didn’t seem ‘worth the time’ to the poet ? (CBSE 2014)


(a) The word ‘them’ refers to teeth. The poet did not brush the teeth properly. She only showed them the toothpaste.

(b)The phrase pokin’ and fussin’ mean checking carefully.

(c) To the poet, brushing the teeth carefully is not worth the time.

Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth

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