The Man Who Knew Too Much


‘The Man Who Knew Too Much’ brings home the idea that self-pride and over­confidence, together with tactlessness, often prove to be harmful. It depicts an encounter between the narrator and Private Quelch, a soldier at the training depot. For his too much sermonizing Private Quelch has come to be named ‘Professor’. He had great knowledge but he was in the habit of interrupting even his seniors. He interrupted his Sergeant about muzzle velocity. Once he interrupted and corrected Corporal Turnbull about the structure of a hand grenade. The Corporal being vindicative sent him to the kitchen on a permanent duty where he continued sermonizing.


(i) Private Quelch

Private Quelch or ‘Professor’ is a good-intentioned but tactless fellow. He is a storehouse of awesome knowledge which he continues to display. He will interrupt and correct even his seniors in public, most of whom feel irritated and humiliated. He has great ambitions regrading his career. He has passion to surpass others. He is innocent to a point of fault. His habit of interrupting others in a rude manner proves to be harmful. His dreams are shattered when he is sent to kitchen on permanent duty. Ironically, he continues sermonizing even in the kitchen.

The Man Who Knew Too Much

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