song of the rain poem text

song of the rain poem text


‘Song of the Rain’ describes the origin and end of rain—a natural phenomenon— in the voice of rain itself. The rain tells us of the various functions it performs. It falls down from the sky on the earth. It decorates fields, valley and gardens. When it falls down on flowers in the form of gentle showers, flowers become happy. It quenches the thirst of fields.

The voice of thunder announces the arrival of the rain. The appearance of a rainbow in the sky announces the departaure of the rain.

The rain tells it origin. The water from the sea mixes with the air and forms a cloud in the sky. When the cloud bursts, it becomes rain. The water from the cloud falls on the field. The rain is merciful. The rain declares that it is the sigh of the deep sea, laughter of the colourful fields and tears of the sky.


Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :

Question 1:

I am dotted silver threads dropped from heaven

By the gods. Nature then takes me to adorn

Her fields and valleys. (CBSE 2014)

(a) Name the poem and the poet of the above extract.

(b) Who is T ? Why is T being compared to silver threads ?

(b) Explain the line ‘Nature.... valleys’.


(а) The poem is ‘Song of the Rain’. The poet is Kahlil Gibran.

(b) ‘I’ is the rain. T, that is the rain, falls in strings of sparkling drops, like silver threads.

(c) The line means that Nature uses rain to decorate fields and valleys. Fields and valleys look fresh and beautiful with rain drops.

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