Urine Formation

Urine Formation





Mechanism of Urine Formation

It has four steps - ultra filtration, selective reabsorption, secretion and concentration.


Ultra Filtration. Blood flows inside glomerulus under pressure due to narrowness of efferent arteriole. As a result it undergoes pressure filtration or ultrafiltration. All small volume solutes (e.g., urea, uric acid, amino acids, hormones, glucose, ions, vitamins) and water are filtered out and enter the Bowmans' capsule. The product is called nephric or glomerular filtrate. Its volume is 125 ml/min (180 litres/day).

Urine Formation

urine formation

formation of urine

process of urine formation

3 process of urine formation

absence of urine formation

mechanism of urine formation

mechanisms of urine formation

mechanism of urine formation

mechanisms of urine formation

urine formation steps

urine formation diagram

urinary formation

urine formation takes place in the

the absence of urine formation is called