The Seven Ages NCERT

The Seven Ages NCERT


‘The Seven Ages’ by William Shakespeare occurs in the play As You Like It. It is a speech by one of the characters of the play, Jacques, who is a cynic.

The poem conveys the idea that the world is like the stage of a theatre where men and women are actors. They come on the stage, enact their roles and then quit the stage. Human life can be divided into seven stages. The first stage in man’s life is infancy. The next stage is that of a school-going child. In the third stage the boy grows into a romantic lover. The next stage is that of a soldier ready to make sacrifices. The next role man plays is that of a self-satisfied, wise and prosperous justice. Then he becomes a weak, thin man. And finally comes the age of senility when man loses all his faculties. Thus ends the drama of his eventful life.


Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1:

In fair round belly with good capon lined,

With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,

Full of wise saws and modern instances.

(а) Which stage of life has been described here by Shakespeare ?

(b) What are the features of this stage ?

(c) Explain the last line. (CBSE2014)


(a) Here Shakespeare describes the fifth stage of life, that is, of a justice.

(b) In this stage man enjoys prosperity, self-satisfaction and wisdom. He is fashionable. He has stem looks.

(c) At this stage man is full of wise sayings and examples from contemporary life. He impresses others with his knowledge and wisdom.

The Seven Ages NCERT

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