Mrs. Packletide's Tiger

Mrs. Packletide's Tiger

Q.1.The luncheon party she declined, there are limits beyond which repressed emotions become dangerous. (Board Term-12012, Set 52)

(a) Who is 'she' here ?

(b) Which luncheon party is mentioned here ?

(c) Why did she decline to attend the party ?

Ans.(a) 'She' here is Loona Bimberton. 1

(b) It is the party that Mrs. Packletide wanted to throw in the honour of Loona Bimberton. 1

(c) She was jealous of Mrs. Packletide as she had been successful in killing a tiger. 1

Q.2.In a world, that is supposed to be chiefly swayed by hunger and by love, Mrs. Packletide was an exception, her movements and motive were largely governed by dislike of Loona Bimberton. (Board Term-12012, Set 50)

(a) How is the world chiefly swayed by ?

(b) How was Mrs. Packletide an exception ?

(c) How was Mrs. Packletide governed ?

Ans.(a) This world is swayed by hunger and love.

(b) She was neither swayed by love nor by hunger.

(c) All movements and motives of Mrs. Packletide were mostly governed by her dislike of Loona Bimberton.

Mrs. Packletide's Tiger

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