CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Writing Grammar Articles

CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Writing Grammar Articles


With a view to express their own views, opinions or arguments people take to write articles. There are issues that concern people in general.

Process of writing an article is as follows :

(i) Collect relevant matter (Content)

(ii) Organise in a proper sequence

• Introduction

• Analyse

• Suggestions

• Conclusion

Format and Important Points to be remember to write a Article

(i) Never forget to - write die heading which should be eye catching

(ii) Beginning should be such so as to draw reader's attention

(iii) Expose the topics by giving reasons, how water is wasted

(iii) Suggestion on how to save/ conserve water

(iv) Conclusion (either hope or warning)

(v) Give your idea suggest measures

CBSE Class 10 English Mai... Writing Grammar Articles
CBSE Class 10 English Mai... Writing Grammar Articles