Quality of Life Indicators Assessment includes student strengths and identification of student/family preferences for individualized support options to meet their stated needs across life domains.

Academic, Social, and Physical Indicators Assessment data are available for academic, behavioral, medical, and mental health strengths and needs, across life domains where relevant.

Hypothesis Statement Behavior support plans include a hypothesis statement, including (a) operational description of problem behavior, (b) identification of context where problem behavior is most likely, and (c) maintaining reinforcers in this context.

Comprehensive Support Behavior support plans include or consider (a) prevention strategies, (b) teaching strategies, (c) strategies for removing rewards for problem behavior, (d) specific rewards for desired behavior, (e) safety elements where needed, (f) a systematic process for assessing fidelity and impact, and (g) the action plan for putting the support plan in place.

Formal and Natural Supports Behavior support plan(s) requiring extensive and coordinated support documents quality of life strengths and needs to be completed by formal and natural supporters.

Access to Tier 1 and Tier 2 Students receiving Tier 3 supports have access to, and are included in, available Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports.

DATA to Support Decision Making.

Data are used to develop plans and actions that respond to what is really occurring in the school rather than reaching at straws and making assumptions. Data that are kept current provide a real-time look at your school climate. Data is used to select, monitor, and evaluate outcomes, practices and systems.

PRACTICES to Support Student Behavior.

Practices are the interventions and strategies that are evidence-based in achieving the valued or expected outcomes. Prevention practices include defining, teaching, modeling, monitoring and acknowledging expected behaviors as well as practices for responding to students’ disruptive behaviors in class and non-classroom settings.

TFI 3.8 - 3.13 Big Ideas

The Tier 3 Systems Planning Team will use the elements in, TFI 3.8 - 3.13, to develop behavior plans for students. TFI Elements 3.8 - 3.13 will be developed in the plan writing process.

Coming into agreement on the following terms:

Quality of Life Indicators - Current and ongoing research in the QOL area has identified eight core quality-of life dimensions that should be considered during planning (Schalock, 1996): emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, material well-being, personal development, physical well being, self determination, social inclusion, and rights. School teams are encouraged to devote adequate time to talking with the student and family to document their wishes across the QOL dimensions. Teams will document Quality of Life indicators on the Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) prior to Line 1.

Hypothesis Statement - A tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. It is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in a study.

Formal and Natural Supports - Formal supports usually involve some form of payment for services and may include relationships with service providers – such as counselors, therapists, line staff and care managers. Natural supports are the relationships that occur in everyday life.

Functional Behavior Assessments

Developing a uniquely constructed student behavior plan is a two-part process which includes conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and developing either a Tier 3 Behavior Support Plan (T3BSP) or a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a systematic approach used for gathering and analyzing information. Throughout this process the Tier 3 Consultant will:

1) identify the behavior impeding learning;

2) determine the environmental factors that influence and/or support the behavior; and

3) form a hypothesis for why the behavior occurs (function/communicative intent).

Ultimately, this information will be used by the Student Support Team (SST) to develop a student behavior plan - Tier 3 Behavior Support Plan (T3BSP) or Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

Throughout the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) process the following information is captured: the primary behavior(s) impeding learning, any past/present contextual setting events that may be contributing to the behavior(s), the immediate predictors of the behavior(s) impeding learning, consequences given in response to the behavior(s) impeding learning, the possible function of the behavior(s) impeding learning, and Tier 2 Interventions and Environmental Modifications previously implemented to address the behavior(s) impeding learning.

FBA Page 1 - Behavior & Predictors of Behavior

FBA Page 2 - Consequences

FBA Page 3 - Possible Function, Interventions

In order to complete a Functional Behavior Assessment the Tier 3 Consultant must first gather several pieces of information about the student:

Data Collection - CUM/AERIES dig, Event Frequency & Intensity recording, A-B-C recording, Environmental Factors recording (Classroom Observation 1 & 2, Non-Classroom Observation)

Interviews - Administrator, Teacher, Tier 2 Support Provider/Counselor, Caregiver, Student

All of the information captured will then be analyzed to complete the 5 steps of the Functional Behavior Assessment.

Click on the link to learn more about Functional Behavior Assessments - Behavior Intervention Handbook, Section 6

Behavior Plans

Behavior plans are designed to change contributing variables associated with the student’s behavior, the teacher’s behavior and the environment. Behavior plans are based on an instructional approach, similar to that used by teachers for academic instruction. Follow-up observations by team members, on-going monitoring of specified data and other means may be employed to revise, refine, end or continue the plan. The behavior plans are reviewed by the team on a regular basis until such time as the team and the teacher(s) make a decision to do otherwise. - PBIS Missouri

In SBCUSD Tier 3 Teams will be equipped to write two different types of behavior plans for general education students - Tier 3 Behavior Support Plans and Behavior Intervention Plans.

Tier 3 Behavior Support Plans

A Tier 3 Behavior Support Plan (T3BSP) is a proactive action plan that establishes what staff will do to support a student's development of a desired behavior.

T3 BSP Page 1: Behavior Impeding Learning, Predictors, Environmental Modifications

T3 BSP Page 2: Tier 2 Supports/Interventions, Tier 1 Supports, Goals, Rewards

T3 BSP Page 3: Reactive Strategies, Two-Way Communication, Fidelity

By using the information gathered during the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), the Student Support Team (SST) may choose to develop a Tier 3 Behavior Support Plan (T3BSP) to address a behavior that is impeding the learning of the student and/or their peers. The Tier 3 Behavior Support Plan (T3BSP) is a proactive action plan which:

1) Identifies a desired behavior to replace the behavior impeding learning;

2) Sets short-term and long-term behavior goals for the student; and

3) Establishes modifications and interventions to support the student in demonstrating the desired behavior

A Tier 3 Behavior Support Plan (T3BSP) is developed for students who, with environmental modifications and supports/interventions have the capacity to learn the skills necessary to move directly from the behavior impeding learning to the desired behavior.

When developing a Tier 3 Behavior Support Plan (T3BSP) the Student Support Team (SST) will:

Click on the link to learn more about Tier 3 Behavior Support Plans - Behavior Intervention Handbook, Section 8

Behavior Intervention Plans

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is a proactive action plan that establishes what staff will do to support a student's development of a Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behavior (FERB) and provides features to accommodate the increased levels of support necessary for students with severe/extreme behaviors.

BIP Page 1 - 2: Behavior Impeding Learning, Predictors, Environmental Modifications, Tier 1/2 Supports, Function, FERB

BIP Page 3 - 4: Teaching Supports, Reinforcements, Reactive Strategies, Goals

By using the information gathered during the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), the Student Support Team (SST) may choose to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) to address a behavior that is impeding the learning of the student and/or their peers. A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is a proactive action plan which:

1) Identifies a functionally equivalent replacement behavior;

2) Sets obtainable behavior goals for the student; and

3) Establishes modifications and interventions to support the student in utilizing the functionally equivalent replacement behavior.

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is reserved for students whose behavior impeding learning is significantly driven by the function it provides. Therefore, the student must first be taught a Functionally Equivalent Replacement Behavior (FERB) and provided with environmental modifications and interventions to support the use of the FERB. The BIP also provides higher level reactive strategies for behaviors that pose a safety risk to the student or others.

When developing a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) the Student Support Team (SST) will:

Click on the link to learn more about Behavior Intervention Plans - Behavior Intervention Handbook, Section 9

Three randomly selected Tier 3 student behavior support plans created in the last 12 months.

TFI 3.8

2 Point: All plans document strengths and quality of life needs and related goals defined by student/family.

TFI 3.9

2 Point: All plans include medical, mental health information, and complete academic data where appropriate.

TFI 3.10

2 Point: All plans include a hypothesis statement with all 3 components.

TFI 3.11

2 Point: All plans include all 7 core support plan features.

TFI 3.12

2 Point: Plan includes specific actions, linked logically to the quality of life needs, and they include natural supports.

TFI 3.13

2 Point: Tier 3 supports include full access to any appropriate Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports and document how access will occur.

TFI 3.8

1 Point: Strengths and larger quality of life needs and related goals defined, but not by student/family or not reflected in the plan.

TFI 3.9

1 Point: Plans include some but not all relevant life-domain information (e.g., medical, mental health, behavioral, academic).

TFI 3.10

1 Point: 1 or 2 plans include a hypothesis statement with all 3 components.

TFI 3.11

1 Point: 1 or 2 plans include all 7 core support plan features.

TFI 3.12

1 Point: Plan includes specific actions, but they are not related to the quality of life needs and/or do not include natural supports.

TFI 3.13

1 Point: Individual supports include some access to Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 supports.

TFI 3.8

0 Point:

Quality of life needs/goals and strengths not defined, or there are no Tier 3 support plans.

TFI 3.9

0 Point: Student assessment is subjective or done without formal data sources, or there are no Tier 3 support plans.

TFI 3.10

0 Point: No plans include a hypothesis statement with all 3 components, or there are no Tier 3 support plans.

TFI 3.11

0 Point: No plans include all 7 core support plan features, or there are no Tier 3 support plans.

TFI 3.12

0 Point: Plan does not include specific actions, or there are no plans with extensive support .

TFI 3.13

0 Point: Individual student support plans do not mention Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 supports, or there are no Tier 3 support plans.

Information adapted from: MO-SWPBIS Handbook/Tier Three Implementation Guide; Center on PBIS/PBIS.orgImages obtained from Google Images and/or created by J. Patrick