TFI 2.2 TEAMS: Team Operating Procedures

Tier 2 team meets at least monthly and has (a) regular meeting format/agenda, (b) minutes, (c) defined meeting roles, and (d) a current action plan.

Systems support the accurate and durable implementation of practices by staff, the efficient use of data for decision-making, and achievement of outcomes. Staff are trained to prevent many student behavior problems as well as to deal with disruptive behaviors in a proactive and positive manner. Systems provide the procedures and infrastructure to support and maintain new evidence-based practices.

TFI 2.2 Big Ideas

In element, TFI 2.2, Team norms and operating procedures will be formally adopted. This will position the Team to efficiently identify priorities, establish action plans, and work together to complete short and long-term goals.

Action planning includes: Setting annual implementation goals, Scheduling meetings, Establishing norms, Adopting agenda/minutes templates

Tier 2 Readiness

In order to determine if a school is ready to implement Tier 2 systems and practices, Tier 2 Teams should review the readiness checklist.

While completing the checklist, Tier 2 Teams will review a variety of data sets. Each data set is equally important, as they each provide a different perspective of the site's ability to support students who need Tier 2 supports.

Once it is determined that Tier 1 is solidly in place, the Tier 2 Team will proceed to develop their Team and the interventions they select to implement.

Team Operating Procedures

Scheduling Meeting Dates

The TFI recommends the Tier 2 Systems Planning Team meets, at least monthly. However, how often (1x/month, 2x/month, etc.) and how long (1 hour, 1.5 hrs., 2hrs., etc.) Teams meet can only be determined once the Team has developed their annual goals, established a scope/sequence of action steps, and estimates how many evidence-based interventions/students will be reviewed each month.

It is important to note that other PBIS evaluation tools recommend meeting more than 1x/month. For example, the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers recommends Tier 2 Teams meet at least every 2 weeks.

Monthly Tier 2 Systems Planning Teams will:

Review data: Number of students currently receiving interventions, number of students with a positive response to interventions, number of students with a questionable or poor response to interventions

Discuss student response to interventions and adjust accordingly:

  • Questionable/poor - modify, intensify, consider Tier 3

  • Positive - continue, fade, graduate

Discuss possible new students: Review existing school data (ODRs, Suspensions, Attendance, etc.), Parent/Student/Staff Nominations, and Panorama Student SEL Survey data.

Tier 2 At-a-Glance: Annual Calendar of Tasks and Required Documents (excerpt)

Quarterly Tier 2 Systems Planning Teams will:

Review data with staff: Develop a presentation to share data with staff - number of interventions, number of students with a positive/questionable/poor response to interventions

Monitor intervention fidelity: Review fidelity data for each intervention

Annually Tier 2 Systems Planning Teams will:

Consider developing and implementing an additional evidence-based Tier 2 Intervention: Check-in/Check-out, Emotion Management (anger), Anxiety/Depression Support Group

Train all staff: Develop a presentation that includes - intervention overview, request for assistance, delivery of intervention, Daily Progress Reports, delivering feedback to students receiving interventions, monitoring student progress

Agendas & Minutes

The TFI recommends the Tier 2 Systems Planning Team uses regular meeting format/agenda and minutes. It is the Team's responsibility to adopt a template for both at the start of each year.


Creating an effective agenda is one of the most important elements for running a productive meeting. The agenda typically communicates: topics for discussion, a time allotment for each topic, and the person responsible for reporting or leading the topic.

Agendas also let participants know in advance what topics will be discussed and the order in which they will transpire. This gives the entire Team an opportunity to come to the meeting prepared for the upcoming discussions and/or decisions that will need to be made.


Documenting the meeting provides a permanent record of the Team's actions, progress, and outcomes. Minutes should include: who was present, what was decided, and what actions must be taken, by whom/when.

In short, minutes should be thorough enough to provide those unable to attend an understanding of the business that transpired in their absence, yet not so detailed they recount the conversation verbatim.

Action Planning

An Action Plan is a way to identify what needs to be done to implement strategies and provides a system for the Team to hold themselves accountable for completing a series of steps. Action plans should indicate what needs to be done, who is responsible, and by when tasks will be completed.

Tully, 2008; McIntosh and Goodman, 2016At the Tier 2 level, Teams should consider writing action plans for supporting implementation of TFI 2.1-2.4 (Teams) and TFI 2.10-2.13 (Evaluation). See sample 2.1/2.2 action plan below. TFI features 2.5-2.9 will be built within the intervention(s) each Tier 2 Team decides to implement.

How to Score 2 Points on TFI 2.2

To receive a 2 Point Score Teams must be able to say yes to the following set of questions.

2 Point:

Tier 2 team meets at least monthly and has a) regular meeting format/agenda, b) minutes, c) defined meeting roles, and d) a current action plan

1 Point:

Tier 2 team has at least 2 but not all 4 features

0 Point:

Tier 2 team does not use regular meeting format/agenda, minutes, defined roles, or a current action plan

Information adapted from: MO-SWPBIS Handbook/Tier Two Implementation Guide; Center on PBIS/PBIS.orgImages obtained from Google Images and/or created by J. Patrick