The SWSS Department will be hosting a 2-day training series to equip site Tier 2 Teams to implement the Trails to Wellness intervention. 

Prerequisite: Site Tier 2 Teams must have attended the CI/CO or EMG training series or the Tier 2 Systems Build 3-day training.

Secondary Schools - 

March 5th (PDC A) & April 2nd (Middle College MU)

Elementary Schools

April 30th (PDC A) & May 7th (PDC B)

2 - Day Trails to Wellness Training

Middle & High Schools

Elementary Schools

Trails to Wellness Resources

By creating a free account on Tier 2 Teams and Trails to Wellness Facilitators will gain access to research-based curriculum which includes the following resources: Lesson Plans, PowerPoints, handouts, posters, and videos.

During this 7-10 week depression and anxiety group counseling session, facilitators will work with students to understand how their thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect their feelings and actions. 

Student Identification

Each Tier 2 Team has a written process outlining how students are identified for Tier 2 interventions. 

This will include decision rules describing when students are identified using counselor notes, attendance, or Panorama Survey data (consider self assessment scores in the area of Hope  for this intervention). Additionally each site has a formal process for Staff, Students, and Caregivers to nominate students for Tier 2 supports. 

Students should be considered for the Trails to Wellness intervention as teams review data from each of the above screening processes. Consider the following as part of the selection criteria:

Please note: Students with active suicidal ideation or serious self-harming behaviors are not appropriate for this group and need to be served by a higher level of care such as the SBCUSD's HEART/ERMHS therapy teams or VCSS

Tier 2 Teams should refer back to TFI 2.3 and TFI 2.4 for more information.

Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers & Staff (FACTS)

Tier 2 Teams will use the Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers  and Staff (FACTS) to complete a brief Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) on each student identified to receive Tier 2 interventions. This information will help the Team to determine which coping strategies will be taught and hypothesize what the student is getting/gaining and/or escaping/avoiding by engaging in the behaviors that result from symptoms of anxiety and/or depression

tieResponding to Problem Behaviors in School pg. 131

When analyzing the FACTS consider students for the Trails to Wellness intervention whose:

On-Demand Trainings: Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers & Staff (FACTS)

Form: Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers & Staff (FACTS)

Tier 2 Teams should refer back to TFI 2.7 for more information.

Caregiver Consent

Prior to enrolling a student in the Trails to Wellness group intervention, it is best practice to get caregiver consent as well as provide a brief description of the intervention in consideration.

An Opt-in intervention form along with a brief overview of the intervention is provided for Tier 2 Teams to use as a guide - Sample: 

Trails to Wellness overview for families: Caregiver Overview, Opt-In Consent Form

Initial Meeting for the Trails to Wellness Intervention

Prior to enrolling students into the Trails to Wellness intervention, the Facilitator should meet with each student. Below is a sample agenda which includes possible discussion points:

Pre-Group Meeting Agenda grades 6-12

Pre-Group Meeting Agenda grades 3-5

During the pre-meeting the faciliator should review the following with each student, individually:

"Best practices in mental health care entail using assessment information to inform service delivery. Assessment data also helps evaluate the impact of programming on student outcomes"(

Note to Facilitators: Consider group placement based on GAD7/PHQ9. For example, on the PHQ9 students who score 0-9 have minimal to mild depression, as opposed to students scoring 10-27 indicating moderate to severe depression - should Facilitators put them all in the same group?

NOTE: The pre-reflection assessment can be conducted at the pre-meeting or during the first session with the whole group.

Trails to Wellness Group Protocols

Role of Tier 2 Team

Role of the Coordinator/Facilitator

Intervention Procedures 

Collecting & Analyzing Student Data

Utilizing the Daily Progress Report

In addition to the Trails to Wellness weekly homework, students will be asked to monitor their feelings and use of the coping strategies taught throughout the Trails to Wellness intervention.

Student Response - Positive/Questionable/Poor

Progress Monitoring Individual Students - Elementary, Secondary

Progress Monitoring Grup Summary -         Elementary, Secondary

Facilitators will keep track of student data throughout Sessions 1-10. Facilitators are required to note student:

All of  this data will be used to determine if a student's response to the Trails to Wellness intervention is Positive, Questionable, or Poor.

If the student's response was found to be questionable or poor teams should consider the following:

If no, consider reteaching - another group or 1:1

If yes, to the above consider referring the student for further support - ERMHS, HEART, VCSS

Measuring Fidelity

TFI 2.12 recommends that fidelity checks be conducted regularly and include the following: Review of products: lesson plans; DPR - points awarded, parent signature, etc.; Direct Observation: Associate instruction, teacher feedback, data entry, etc.; Review of goals, intervention elements, and outcomes to ensure they are socially relevant; Surveys or interviews with program graduates or current participants.

For the Trails to Wellness intervention, Teams will consider the following:

Review documents

Direct Observation

Social Validity Survey