Lubrication System Parts

Dipstick Routing

The dipstick is routed to the oil pan through the dip tube. It is VERY IMPORTANT to ensure the vehicle on a flat surface when reading the dipstick because a change in angle can cause the fluid to move up or down the dipstick!

Level, colour, temperature and smell are important to consider when checking oil.

Drain plug with crush ring

At the bottom of the oil pan is a drain plug. The plug is located at the lowest place on the oil pan.

The drain plug will have its own seal which is often a softer metal like copper called a crush ring (on left). A new crush ring should be installed every time it is removed.

A re-usable gasket is the alternative to a crush ring.

Drain plug with gasket

Getting the oil out of an engine is generally easy. Remove the plug and let gravity do its work!

The parts that need lubrication are on the TOP END of the engine though! So a pickup tube connected to a pump is used to suck oil from the bottom of the oil pan!

The bottom of the pick up tube has a screen to prevent large particles from damaging the oil pump. To prevent even smaller particles from damaging engine components, the oil pump pushes the oil through the oil filter:

OIl Filter Housing

If the oil filter is not replaced properly, the threads holding a metal oil filter in place OR the cap for a paper filter may get stripped.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to hand tighten the filters to avoid this mistake!

IF the threads are stripped though, the oil filter housing my have to be changed.

The time and process varies greatly from vehicle to vehicle.

When the oil reaches the top of the engine, it travels through a series of channels called galleries and use gravity to fall back down to the oil pan. While falling back down the oil will lubricate and cool all of the moving parts including the valves, pushrods, pistons, the camshaft bearings (timing chain if the vehicle is using a chain and not a belt) and finally the crankshaft bearings.

Oil Pressure Switch

When you first start your vehicle, the oil pressure is low so the light will be on, until the engine buids pressrue.

An oil pressure switch is a safety warning device.

It is a type of sensor that montiors pressure.

The oil pressure switch is a mechanical device that has a switch inside.

The oil pressure switch may be 1 pin, 2 pin, or 3 pin.

This may be to the engine block acting as ground, or via an insulated return.

The result of completing the circuit is a signal being sent to the ECM.

Causes for light coming on:

  • Faulty Oil Pump

  • Engine wear

  • Faulty oil pressure gauge

  • Clogged Oil Filter

  • Engine Overheating

  • Not enough or worn-out oil