Zoomed Shoe

The subject of this artwork is a mountain with designs coming out from behind it. The setting is either a dusk or dawn because the sky fades from a deep red to a light yellow, and I added some trees since it was looking a little plain. To create this I first sketched out the zoomed shoe is graphite pencil; then I watered down some acrylic paint, and did a wash in different colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black; after that , I went over everything in ink, making the original lines more prominent; and finally, I added some designs in between those lines with the same ink pen. I chose to create this because as I was looking at it, it reminded me of a mountain, so I went off of that. I used some different elements of art such as line, color, shape, and value. Some of the principles I used were pattern and contrast. This is composed with a relatively even balance, since the mountain tilts one way, but is balanced by the designs in the sky.

I don't know what the composition rules or techniques are, so if I did use them then they are somewhere in there. This project was always evolving because originally I was going to do a mountain with sunlight coming up from behind it, but I changed those beams of light into the patterns that you can see now.

There isn't much meaning behind this artwork, it was just the first thing I saw in the original lines. This piece relates to me because I really enjoy alpine skiing, and a mountain is pretty important to be able to do that. I also like hiking up mountains, so this also relates to that. If I had more time and went back to revise this I would have added more designs to it, to completely fill the sky.