
The subject of this sculpture is a book with a whole lot of random things emerging from it. The work was made by folding one piece of drawing paper into these different shapes then hot gluing them together to create the sculpture. I chose to create this specific artwork because I thought it represented my past semester well, with learning all sorts of random and jumbled things. The specific elements and principles of design I used in this sculpture are shape, form, space, and balance. This piece is composed with formal balance because the book is perfectly symmetrical, and the objects are all centered on it.

The composition rules and techniques I used in this sculpture are formal balance since everything is center in the middle of the piece, and grouping since I jumbled all of the objects together in the middle of the book. my project evolved because originally I was going to make a small person that was sitting with their head in their hands, but that didn't end up working out, so I decided to go with the current idea.

The meaning behind this sculpture is that we were tasked to make sculpture that represented how our last semester went, so I made this to show that I've learned a lot of things, but it is all kind of jumbled together into one big mess. This project relates to my life because it is meant to represent how my whole last semester in school went. I think my artwork could be stronger if I had put more things in the pile in the middle to give the sculpture more interest.