Abstract Class Collaboration Enlargement

For this assignment we were tasked to choose a small square, of a famous piece of art, and duplicate it; enlarging it by about 6 times the original size. To create this I first used a ruler to help with getting a relative scale of the piece. I then sketched it out lightly with pencil and began to color in with colored pencils. To get the color match, from black and white to color, I used each color on a piece of paper, then putting it into a scanner and gray-scaling it, to then select the correct ones. I didn't get to choose this artwork because it was given to me by the substitute teacher.

In this art I used some composition tools including color, as I could have just done a graphite drawing in black and white. I also used value in the fact that the colors match the darkness and lightness of the original grayscale section. My project evolved because originally I did the sketch in graphite but I was then told that it needed to be in color so I had to translate the whole thing onto a different piece of paper.

The meaning behind my artwork is to match the little section of the art as closely as I could, with scale and value. This project doesn't relate to my life in any way. If I could change anything in this assignment I would take out the little black marking in the center of the orange; a mistake made by accidentally touching a sharpie to my paper.