Concentration Sculpture #4

The subject of my creation is a fish head that I carved out of a piece of drift wood that I found at Cousins Island, and the photo of this was taken in the light room at FHS. This work was made by, first, finding the piece of drift wood, then I looked up reference images and sketched the shape onto the driftwood. After I had the general shape, I took out most of the bulk of wood with a small hatchet, and began to get it closer to the final shape with a draw knife. Once I had done this, I went in with a carving knife to get more details and finish the surface of the wood better. After I had completely finished, I gave it a light sanding with 220 grit sand paper and used glossy poly acrylic finish to seal it (after the photos were taken). I chose to create this specific artwork because I wanted to try out carving and keep up the theme of reusing/found objects so I decided on this. This was also an idea that that I had been thinking about for a while. The specific elements and principles of design I used in this sculpture are form because I used the shape of the driftwood to convey the fish idea, texture because I left the wood natural and it has a rough texture, and pattern because the wood grain creates patterns.

The composition rules and techniques I used in this sculpture are formal balance since the sculpture is arranged very evenly with not much weight to one side, and leading lines since the cracks in the driftwood draw your attention to the carving. My project evolved because originally I was going to carve both sides, but after I finished the first side I realized that there was no point in putting time into carving the other side because I was just going to hang it on a wall and the viewer wouldn't see the backside.

The meaning behind this artwork is that I was able to work more on the technique of carving because I have done it here and there, but I've never been pleased with the result, so it's good to finally carve something I'm happy with. This project relates to my life because I enjoy the ocean and all of the sea life in it, which is captured in this sculpture, it also allowed me to use/further my wood working skills. If I were to change anything with this sculpture, I would change how I carved the eye because the placement of it is a little off, and It isn't as prominent as I would have liked it to be.