
The subject of this artwork is a person skiing on the left along with an architectural scene of Iraq on the right. This piece was made with acrylic paint with both paint brushes and paint pens, I started off with the background then slowly moved forward filling the different parts. I chose to create this artwork because it offered an interesting scene. The elements and principles of design that I used in this project were color: in the all of the colors involved in this, value: in all of the different shades of the colors, and contrast: in the cool and warm colors on each side. This artwork is composed equally, activating all four sides of the canvas.

The composition rules and techniques that are included in the final project were informal balance since it is not centered directly on one object in the middle: it is fairly spread out. My project evolved originally because I was going to do a basketball player hanging in space, but then I decided against it with the help of Mrs. Medsker, since it would be difficult to paint and didn't have much meaning, and made the skier instead.

The meaning behind this is representative of the opportunity and power that the African American community has in this country (A quote from Kyle), also it brings together the difference between the apparent hot and cold climates that are shown in the painting: almost comparing the two. This project relates to my life because I enjoy skiing so being able to incorporate it into the painting gave it a bit more meaning for me. If I could make this artwork stronger, I would add more fine detail to the right half of the page, and add some more interest to the left side: possibly a design similar to a mandala in the sky behind the skier.