Beautiful Oops

Although there is not much of a setting, being a squid, this could leave the viewer to imagine that it is underwater or whatever he/she wishes. To create this artwork I started out with pencils to make a light sketch of what the end product would look like, then I began using colored pencil in different places and adding slight shading to make it look more 3D, finally I finished it off by adding a frame and outlining the squid in black ink. I chose to make this because the ink splatter looked like it was coming out of something, and since it was ink it reminded me of a squid. As the squid had a lot of curved organic lines I chose to balance them with a straight border.

Originally this piece was just the squid in the center of the page so I added the framing lines and later as the squid was looking a bit boring, I added the suction cups on the tentacles. For composition rules I used formal balance because I centered the squid, I also used line, color, texture, and shape while making the squid.

This project relates to my life because I really enjoy the ocean and underwater, also I enjoy looking at scientific figures and this reminds me of them. I currently like this artwork the way it is, so I wouldn't change anything.