Extended Blind

There are many different subjects in my creation including people, hands, and objects; there is no real setting in this piece either because I just tried to fill the background with different, interesting colors. This artwork was made by doing "blind contour", where you keep your pen on the paper and your eyes on the subject, not looking at the paper until you are done with the drawing stage. then you go back and add color in, and I did this using different colored pencil, watercolor paints, and sharpies.

In this piece of "art" I used many composition tools and elements including line in the use of the sharpie; color with using the colored pencils and watercolors to fill in the white spaces of the paper; value with the layering of darker tones of the colors; framing with the use of a border. At first I only had a few drawings on the paper so added more of them to make better use of the blank space.

This project relates to my life because many of the things that I included, are things that I see everyday; friends, sister, watch, water bottle, etc. My project could be stronger by using a better use of my colors, making them more accurate to what I was drawing.