
The subject of my piece is this bug, Mr. Fly, he is a fly that has glasses, a cape and lots of bling; as requested by the assignment there is no setting in my artwork other than the tiny horizon line to make it so he isn't floating. I created this by making a rough sketch of what it would look like with a pencil, then adding more detail and shading, finally I added in the color of the cape; a bright red to contrast the gray of the graphite. I didn't choose to make this artwork I was assigned it. However, the elements I used were color, value, line, and form.

I didn't use many composition rules, but the ones I did use were low horizon line and possibly high key lighting? My project did not evolve much because I knew in my head what I wanted it to look like and I think I matched it pretty well.

There is not much meaning behind my artwork because I was assigned what to make, so I followed it as accurately as I could, this project didn't offer too much freedom. The only way this project can possibly relate to my life, is if there was a giant hand coming down on top of him, as if to squish him. One thing I would change is the background; instead of a measly, little line, I could do something like the hand or a put a city behind him.