3D Design

— Reflection —

Throughout my experience in 3D Design, it is apparent that I have improved in many aspects of my work. Looking through my projects, even just on this landing page, it is obvious that the thought I put into my sculptures began to improve. Not only did I put more thought into the idea, but I began to branch out and discover different things I could make the sculptures out of. I also learned not to really back down from an idea that I had no matter the difficulty or time constraint (which is clearly shown in all of my late works and failing preparedness grade, but I think it's fine). Sticking with an idea helped me out a lot when I was developing my work because it taught to ignore many of the things going on around and most distractions, teaching persistence and resilience; which, is a great improvement from my days in foundations of art.

The most challenging part of 3D Design definitely was the work load set upon us as students to create many sculptures. With the amount of time we had and the types of sculptures I was looking to create, I felt stressed and pressured to pump out quantity of work rather than the actual quality. While many other students seemingly wanted to create projects simply to fulfill the requirements set in place, I was not at all interested in this: I decided that I was going to create projects that I was proud of and ones where I could actually learn something. And while in the end, this ideology did greatly affect my grade, I am very happy that I stuck with it because I learned so much.

From this entire semester of I am most proud of the different skills I learned when creating these sculptures, but in the terms of projects, I am most proud of (honestly all my projects) Buddy the Budweiser Fish, Concentration #2, and Willy P. All of these sculptures were created with many smaller pieces to make one large sculpture and this is a technique that I am very fascinated by because when I was creating all of these I was extremely doubtful and unhappy with how they were going. Yet as they came to an end, the result was satisfying and rewarding knowing that I had stuck with it. In regards to these sculptures, I am also very proud of them because they are unique... no one else had created anything like them and I had come up with the idea on my own (apart from Concentration #2 since I saw 'quilling' on a card, but I like to think of it as my own idea :)

With the end of the school year coming, the end of 3D comes as well, but I have learned many things in this class that I will continue to use. People all learn in different ways, but in this class my different strengths and weaknesses became very apparent. This semester, I showed a lot of persistence as a learner because no matter the issues I ran into, I stuck with the project and ideas I had. It also showed that I am a creative learner because I wasn't afraid to try out new techniques or use different materials that I wasn't comfortable or confident with. Yet, while there are strengths, there are also weaknesses, and my most prominent weakness was getting the work in, in a timely manner: when I followed my ideas, it did not always allow me to finish within the time constraint, and I fully accept this weakness because I achieved many things that I am proud of this semester.