3 ch PE2


E-book Student home page for Spanish 3 to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at: http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=jek&wcsuffix=0001

or tinyurl.com/homepagesp3



Objectives: to talk about school and non-school daily activities. & Describe your day before and after school. Standards: 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2,3.1

p 2 repasa el vocabulario de tu vida diaria: pantomime the action on p2 reading

Escribir un articulo, responder unas preguntas, contestar preguntas, salir a la escuela, hacer la cama, tomar el desayuno, poner los libros en la mochila,

salir de casa, ir con los amigos, hacer ejercicios en el gimnasio, hacer tarea, ayudar a mi madre, hacer quehaceres de la casa, ir al supermercado, hacer la cena, cocinar.

e-book practica: p1 mas practica icon

paper practice: p1-4, flash cards

p3. Verbos Irregulares en el presente

Conocer, dar, hacer, poner, saber, salir, traer, ver, caer,


(present yo and go verbs presentation)

-go and yo verbs.ppt Open -go and yo verbs.ppt

e-book practice: p4 go-online icon, p4 mas practica icon (p1.1-1)

paper practice: p5-6guided workbook, WAV wkbk p1 writing

p5. Presente de los verbos cambios de raiz

perder (e-ie) (empezar, querer , preferir, pensar, divertirse, despertarse, sentirse, mentir, cerrar, comenzar, entender)

poder (o-ue) (contar, costar, encontrar, recordar, volar, dormir, volver, devolver, acostarse, almorzar

jugar (u-ue)

StemChange present.ppt Open StemChange present.ppt

pedir (e-i) (servir, repetir, reir, sonreir, seguir, vestirse)

e-book practice: p6 go-online icon, p6 mas practica icon

paper practice: p7-8 guided workbook, WAV wkbk p2 writing

p7. Los verbos reflexivos en el presente

pronombres: Me, te, se, nos, os, se

verbos: levantarse, acostarse (ue), afeitarse, arreglarse, banarse, cepillarse, despertarse (ie), ducharse, lavarse, pintarse, ponerse, secarse, vestirse (i)

DOP location before conjugated verb or attached to an infinitive verb.

reflexive verbs.ppt Open reflexive verbs.ppt

e-book practice: p7 go-online icon, p7 mas practica icon

paper practice: p9-10 guided workbook, WAV wbk p3 writing & p6

Transition words used in Spanish essays:

Empiezo, al principio, después, luego, antes, primero, segundo, todos los días, finalmente, todavía.

p14 Presentacion oral : ideas are organized, variety of ideas/sentence structure, details, can be easily understood, eye contact, interesting

L3 capítulo PE: presentación oral P14: must be 60 seconds / min half a page of presentation with only icons as guides for presentation.

(presentation may include some &/ all the questions answered in a organized manner)

Tema#1: School

1. When do you wake up in the morning? what do you usually wear to school? Do you have breakfast at school or home? What do you eat for breakfast? How do you get to school? At what time to do get to school? What do you do before classes? What classes do you have during a regular school day and in what order? Which is your favorite class & who teaches it? When do you have lunch? Who do you eat lunch with? What are your friends like? What do you do after school? What are your favorite after school activities? Which school clubs are you a member? What is the best part of a school day day for you and why?

Tema#2: Favorite TV show or movie

2. What is the name of the tv show or movie? Why is it your favorite? Who are the main characters? Describe the characters with personality and physique? What time does the tv show airs / the movie came out on cinema? Describe the type of movie or show (comedy, horror, drama, cartoon...) What is the problem or plot? How is the problem solved? What is your favorite part / scene of it?

Tema#3: My vacation

3. Where do you go? Who do you go with? How do you get there (car,train, plain)? how long does it take to get there? What is the weather like, when you go? What season do you usually go there and how frequent? How long do you stay? What do you bring specially for this trip? Where do you stay (hotel, home, camping tent, RV)? Why do you go? What type of clothes do you wear? Is it a popular tourist attraction or a good family spot? what other places do you go while you are there? Where or what do you eat? What is it like/make you feel like? How do you travel back home? how do you feel after you get back home from this vacation?

Tema 4: My favorite sport

4. How long have you been playing? what sport is it? what are the general rules of the game? who plays with you? Which league do you play with or is it with family and friends only? What position do you play? What abilities are required to play the game? Who is a good player you admire? What is the favorite part of the sport? How many times do you practice? What season is the sport usually played? Where do you usually play? Do you want to play professionally? How many people play the sport at once? Do you play the sport off-season? How does this sport makes you a better person / improves your life?




5 areas at max of 4 point each

20 points total

Zero points

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points


0 no effort to complete task

1 little effort to communicate

2 some effort to communicate

3 real effort to communicate4

4 usually high effort to communicate

Amount of Communication

0 no relevant information communicated by student

1 very little information communicated by student

2 some relevant information communicated by student

3 most relevant information communicated by student

4 all relevant information communicated by student


0 Could not understand anything student said

1 could understand only isolated words

2 could understand short sentences

3 could understand most of what student said

4 could understand everything student said


0 very many unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

1 quite a few unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

2 few unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

3 few unnatural pauses

4 no unnatural pauses, almost effortless and smooth

Quality of Communication (Accuracy):

0 no statement are structurally correct

1 very few statement are structurally correct

2 structural problems and inaccuracies, although some statements are correct

3 most statements are structurally correct

4 all statement are structurally correct

be prepared for PE1 ASSESSMENT



E-book Student home page for Spanish 3 to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at: http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=jek&wcsuffix=0001

Objectives: Talk about special events and activities. Discuss what you do with your family and friends on these occasions. Talk about entertainment and sports.

Standards: 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2,3.1

p8 Leer/escribir sobre la encuesta de dias especiales. contesta 6 preguntas en tus mismas palabras.

10 leer/escribir sobre las peliculas

p11 Verbos que se conjugan como gustar

Indirect object pronouns: me te, le, nos, os, les

verbos: encantar, gustar, importar, interesar

IOP + verb (-a.-an) + singular/verb /plural subject

e-book practice: p11 go-online icon, p11 mas practica icon

paper practice: p11-12 guided workbook, WAV wbk p4 writing

gustar.ppt Open gustar.ppt

p12 Adjetivos posesivos mi, tu, su, nuestro, vuestro

pantalones de ella

e-book practice: p13 go-online icon, p13 mas practica

paper practice: p13-14 guided workbook, WAV wbk p5 writing

L2c2A Adjectivespos1 Open L2c2A Adjectivespos1

L2c2A Adjectivespos2 Open L2c2A Adjectivespos2

L2c2A Adjectivespos3 Open L2c2A Adjectivespos3

Adjective possessive long form.ppt Open Adjective possessive long form.ppt

P 14 oral presentation (AP rubrics used on level 3: 5 star system) posted on webpage under AP tab.

All topics discussed and practiced on level 1 and 2. Review material of present tense. Estimate 10 lines typed font 12 Times Roman.

P15 Presentacion escrita (AP rubrics used on a level 3: 5 star system) posted on webpage under AP tab.

Estimate 10 lines typed font 12 Times Roman.

complete webpage with details

ideas well developed and enhanced topic

few grammar, spelling or mechanic erros

be prepared to PE2 ASSESSMENT