chapter 2B


E-book Student home page to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at:

Objectives: Describe a classroom. Indicate where things are located. Talk about more than one object or person. Understand cultural perspectives on school. standards: 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2,3.1,4.1,4.2,5.1

p98 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

art Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2 Open art Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2 (Presentation embedded below)

A primera vista: P100-103. Video clip of Ch2B included on p102 e-book.

P101&103 go-online. p101&103 más practica.

p101 act 1&2, p103 actiividad 3 (listening)

104 actividad 4 &5

p69-76 guided workbook. p120 e-flashcards.

ch2B Vocabulary QUIA QUIZ @

L1c2B Escuela Open L1c2B Escuela (Presentation embedded below)

L1c2B rana en escuela Open L1c2B rana en escuela (Presentation embedded below)

Manos a la obra: p104-113.

Direction/Preposition lesson. p105-109

L1c2B ESTAR Open L1c2B ESTAR (Presentation embedded below)

p107 gramActiva video

p107 actividad 9-10.

p109 go-online & mas practica.

p77-78 guided workbook.

Review location of items in school or classroom.

e-practice at

L1c2B directions preposition Open L1c2B directions preposition (Presentation embedded below)

p105 a la izquierda =/= a la derecha

p109 detras de mi =/= detras de ti

p108 actividad 12.

L1cPE2 class objects and articles Open L1cPE2 class objects and articles (Presentation embedded below)

p110 GramActiva video

p110 actividad 15 &16

p112 go-online

p79-80 guided workbook

p112 mas practica

L1c2B school life hispanic Open L1c2B school life hispanic (Presentation embedded below)

p116 differences of Spanish school life & ours. Differences discussed in the presentation above.

p113 Fondo Cultural: School gyms: PE once or twice a week in the school patio

p114 cultural reading about UNICEF and basic rights of children (required reading for the chapter test)

p115 go-online or p81 guided workbook

p117 written essay & layout of a room.

p.118-119 America Central reading. Close Reading questions

1. List the countries of Central America.

2. Identify the 2 Central American countries that do not have access to both bodies of water.

3. What language is spoken in Beliz?

4. What can you tell about the climate of Costa Rica?

5. Why was USA involved in Panama Canal?

6. Why would Nicaragua be a good alternative for a Canal similar than Panama's?

7. How are "Hupils" useful & what are their purpose?

8. Why was gold & silver traveled through Panama from 1500-1700's?

p121 go-online chapter Review

ch2B Pruebas

Chapter 2B TEST (including Listening & reading portion) lkkj

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art Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2
L1c2B Escuela
L1cPE2 class objects and articles
L1c2B school life hispanic
L1c2B rana en escuela
L1c2B directions preposition