Sp2 Curriculum per RD2

Richland 2 Spanish High School Curriculum since 2016-2017

Spanish 2 Units & Proficiency Levels


Unit PE: Welcome to Spanish 2! (Novice-Mid)

P1: Review Spanish-speaking countries (p.xvi-xxix)

Saying what you like, love and are interested in (6A p.291)

Review verb ser (PE p.5)

Review adjective and noun agreement (number and gender) (PE p.3-4)

Review subject pronouns (tú, Ud. Uds. & vosotros)

Review regular verb Present tense conjugations (PE p9-12)

P2: Review stem-changing verbs (1A p.27-29)

Review yo -go verbs (1A p. 15 and 3B p.155)

Review interrogative words (PE p.10)

Learn nationalities (PE p.6)

Saying what should/must happen Hay que/Se prohibe/Tener que...(1A p19)

Time expressions (Hace + time + que) (1B p.58-59)

“to know” - saber VS conocer (1B p.56-57) (Level 1-9B p.460-463)

Unit 1: Daily Routines (Novice-Mid)

P1: Reflexive Verbs (2A p.80-84)

Ser vs Estar (2A p86)

P2: Regular Preterite (2B p.101)(The Preterit Tense (regulars only)(2B p.110-113)

The Preterite Tense (stem-change -ir verbs) (6A p.302-304)

Demonstrative Adjectives (2B p.114-115) (Level 1- 7A p.332-335)

Big Numbers Vocab (Clothing - 2B p. 124, 102-109)

Unit 2: Contemporary Life (Novice-Mid)

SPANISH 1 CH 6A Describe homes

P1: Direct Object Pronouns (3A p.138-9) (3B p.166-167)

P2: SPANISH 1 CH 6B Chores

Vocab (House & Chores L1 p. 294 & 318)

Affirmative tú Commands Regulars and Irregulars

Negative tu commands

Unit 3: Destinations (Novice-Mid to Novice-High)

P1: Irregular Preterite Vocab (3A p. 152, 3B p. 180)

The Preterit Tense (irregulars)(Marching song) (3A p.140-143)(5A pp.250-255)(5B p.274-276)

P2: Vocab 3B Present Progressive (review regulars & learn irregulars)

(PE p7go-online), (3B p.171-172)

Unit 4: City Life Country Life (Childhood experiences) (Novice-Mid to Novice-High)

P1: The Imperfect Tense (regular)(4A p.194-195)

The Imperfect Tense (irregulars) (4A p.196-198)

Indirect Object Pronouns (4A p.199-201) (6B p3.28-330)

Vocab (4A - p. 208, 182,186-193)

P2: The Preterit VS the Imperfect (4B p.219-222)(5A p.248-249)

Setting the scene in the past

Describing past emotions

Vocab (4B p. 234)


Spanish 2 Units & Proficiency Levels

PE (all review + saber VS conocer, time expressions)

1A (Stem-change verbs, Hay que,tener que, affirmative&negative expressions)

1B (hace que , saber vs conocer, comparison)

2A (reflexive verbs, ser vs estar)

2B (regular preterit, demonstrative adjs)

3A (irregular preterit, DOPs)

3B (present progressive & commands, all DOPs)

4A (imperfect, all IOPs)

4B (imperfect VS preterit, descriptions, etc., double-object pronouns)

Unit PE: Welcome to Spanish 2! (Novice-Mid)

***** Review conversation topics from level 1: Sp1 Beginner phrases

P1: Saying what you like, love and are interested in (Gustar, encantar, interesar) (Realidades 2: ch6A p.291)

Review adjective and noun agreement (number and gender) (word order in sentences) (PE p.3-4)

Review subject pronouns (tú, Ud. Uds. & vosotros)

Review regular verb Present tense conjugations (PE p9-12)

Saying what should/must happen Hay que & Tener que...(1A p19)++using ch1A vocabulary moved from PE-P1 to PE-P2+++DELETE

Review ser & estar (PE p.5), (2A p.86-87) ++++can be covered in U1P2++++delete+++

++++Map, countries,capitals, nationalities & interrogatives can be taught here to give chPE pruebas & Test+++ADD

Review interrogative words (PE p.10) +++ if moved from PE-P2 to PE-P1 then students could use PE prueba & test++++ADD++

Review Spanish-speaking countries (p.xvi-xxix) (MAP games at lizardpoint.com sheppardsoftware.com thetruesize.com )+++ADD++

Learn nationalities (ch PE p.6) +++++ nationalities is usually covered with map & capitals chPE1++++ADD+++

++++ Could teach Realidades 2: chPE to cover PE from curriculum.++++

P2: Review stem-changing verbs (1A p.27-29)

Review stem-changing verbs with -go in the 1st person tense (3B p.155) Move from PE-P2 to U1P1 +++DELETE

Saying what should/must happen Hay que & Tener que... (ch 1A, p19) using ch1A vocabulary moved from PE-P1 to PE-P2 +++++ADD

Review interrogative words (PE p.10) Moved from PE-P2 to PE-P1 to use Realidades 2 chPE resources++++delete++

Review Spanish-speaking countries (p.xvi-xxix) (MAP games at lizardpoint.com sheppardsoftware.com) (moved PE-P1 to PE-P2+++DELETE++

Learn nationalities (PE p.6) Usually covered with map & capitals covered in Realidades 2 chPE. move from PE -P2 to PE-P1 ++++Delete+++

Affirmative and Negative expressions (ch1A p31) Moved from U1P1 to PE-P2 to cover all of Realidades 2 ch1A with vocabulary+++ADD

Time expressions (Hace + time + que) (1B p.58-59)

“to know” - saber VS conocer (1B p.56-57) (Level 1-9B p.460-463)

Vocab (ch 1A p.40 about classrooms & ch1B p.68 about extracurricular activities) ++++ moved to PE-2 to cover Realidades 2: ch1A & ch1B+++++ Deleted

+++++ If we add COMPARISON to curriculum here, we can give ch1B pruebas, and stem change&go verbs added section++++ADD

+++++Could teach Realidades 2: ch1A followed by ch1B from textbook to cover PE2 and U1P1 from curriculum. ++++++

Unit 1: Daily Routines (Novice-Mid)

P1: Review stem-changing verbs with -go in the 1st person tense (3B p.155) Move from PE-P2 to U1P1 +++ADD

Present Progressive (review regulars & learn irregulars) (with DOP can be added) (L1: ch6B p308-9), (L2: 3B p.171-172)

Affirmative Commands (Ud/Uds. (7B p382-385) / Nosotros(L3 Ch4 p182-183)), Affirmative tú (L1 ch6B reg & L2 ch3B irregular)++move from U1P2 to U1P1+++ADD

Affirmative and Negative expressions (1A p.31-33) +++Deleted++++ moved from U1P1 to PE2

Demonstrative Adjectives (2B p.114-115) (Level 1- 7A p.332-335) +++++++moved to U2P1 to teach with ch2b with its clothing vocabulary+++ DELETE

Vocab (ch1A p. 40 classroom & ch1B p. 68 extracurricula activities) ++++ moved to PE-2 to cover Realidades 2: ch1A & ch1B+++++ Deleted

Vocab (ch3B p.180 about driving & giving directions) must be added to curriculum to use Realidades 2 ch3B resources ++++ADD

Direct Object Pronouns (3A p.138-9) (3B p.166-167)+++move from U3P1 to U1P1 and use all Realidades 2 ch3A resources+++ADD

++++Could teach Realidades 2: ch3B to cover U1P1 of curriculum

P2: Reflexive Verbs (2A p.80-84 with getting ready - daily routines)

Review ser & estar (PE p.5), (2A p.86-87) +++moved from PE-1 to U1P2 to use ch2A vocabulary &resources ++ ADDED

Affirmative Commands (Ud/Uds. (7B p382-385) / Nosotros(L3 Ch4 p182-183)), Affirmative tú (L1 ch6B reg & L2 ch3B irregular)++move from U1P2 to U1P1+++DELETE

Vocab (2A p. 96, 74-79 about getting ready - daily routines)

++++Possessive Adjectives Long form should be added to the curriculum to use ch2A resources++++++ADD

++++Could teach Realidades 2: ch2A to cover U1P2 of curriculum+++

Unit 2: The Natural World / Contemporary Life (Novice-Mid) Realidades 2: ch2B

The Preterit Tense (regulars only)(2B p.110-113)

Demonstrative adjectives (2B p.114-115) (Level 1- 7A p.332-335) add to curriculum allow for us to use ch2B Prueba++++ADDED

Preterite (-car, -gar, -zar verbs) (ch2B p110-113)

The preterite tense (stem-change i-y verbs) (Realidades 2 ch5A p.250-255, & Realidades 3 ch1-1 p30)

The Preterite Tense (stem-change -ir verbs like preferir, pedir,dormir) (Realidades 2 ch6A p.302-304)

Vocab (Clothing - 2B p. 124, 102-109)

++++Could teach Realidades 2: ch2B to cover U2P1 of curriculum+++INCLUDING STEM CHANGES from ch5A & ch6A+++

P2: The Preterit Tense (irregulars) (3A p.140-143)(5A pp.250-255)(5B p.274-276)

Direct Object Pronouns (3A p.138-9) (3B p.166-167)+++move from U3P1 to U1P1 & U2P2 (covering in 2 sections) in Realidades 2 ch3A &3B +++ADD++

Vocab (House & Chores L1 p. 294 (ch6A) & p318(ch6B)

Vocab (3A p. 152 shopping & errans, 3B p. 180) moved from U4 to U2P2 to use Realidades 2: ch3A resources ++++ADD

++++Could teach Realidades 2: ch3A to cover U2P2 of curriculum+++INCLUDING HOUSE & CHORES +++

Unit 3: City Life and Country Life (Destinations) (Novice-High) Realidades 2: ch 4A

P1: The Imperfect Tense (regular)(4A p.194-195)

The Imperfect Tense (irregulars) (4A p.196-198) Moved from U3P1 to U3P2 ++++ ADD

Direct Object Pronouns (3A p.138-9) (3B p.166-167)+++move from U3P1 to U1P1 & U2P2 and use all Realidades 2 ch3A &3B resources+++DELETE++

Indirect Object Pronouns (4A p.199-201) (6B p3.28-330)

Using double-object pronouns (Realidades 3, p.?)

Vocab (4A - p. 208, 182,186-193 Childhood vocabulary)

++++Could teach Realidades 2: ch4A to cover U3P1 of curriculum+++Including DOUBLE DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS++

P2: The Imperfect Tense (irregulars) (4A p.196-198) Moved from U3P1 to U3P2 ++++ DELETE

Vocab (ch 4B p. 234) moved from U3P2 to U4 +++DELETE++

Reciprocal Actions (Ch 4B) moved from U3P2 to U4. +++DELETE++

Unit 4: Childhood experiences (Novice-Mid to Novice-High)

The Preterit VS the Imperfect (4B p.219-222)(5A p.248-249)

Setting the scene in the past

Telling what was going to happen (iba + a + infinitive)

Describing past emotions

Reciprocal Actions (4B p.224-226) moved from U3P2 to U4. +++ADD++

Vocab (3A p. 152, 3B p. 180) moved from U4 to U2P2 to use Realidades 2: ch3A resources ++++Delete

Vocab (4B p. 234) moved from U3P2 to U4 +++ADD++

++++Could teach Realidades 2: ch4B to cover Unit 4 of curriculum++