chapter Para Empezar

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e-drills of present tense at

conjugation review drills go to:

For e-practice worksheet:

CHAPTER VOCABULARY UNIT PE: Part 1 (click on link to view & print list

***** Review conversation topics from level 1: Beginner Spanish Conversation phrases

Gustar, encantar, interesar

Sentence structure of the verb Gustar (to like/to please) and other verbs with similar sentence structure.

L2c2A gustar2 Open L2c2A gustar2

Subject pronouns, Adjectives/noun agreement & word order in sentence.

Google Presentation Open Google Presentation Open Word Order.pptx

Adjective matching practice

L2cPE classroom phrases level1 Open L2cPE classroom phrases level1

L2cPE classroom phrases level 2 Open L2cPE classroom phrases level 2

Subject pronouns

L2cPE pronouns Open L2cPE pronouns

Present tense verbs

L2cPE present tense Open L2cPE present tense

I like the following web-pages as good resource of practice & review level 1 material. Have fun.

Conjugation review drills go to: under VERB TENSES Practice / quizzes at or (

Verbs#1 (practice Mode)

Verbs#2 (practice Mode)

Verbs#3 (Practice Mode)

Barbara Kuczun Nelson's website under present tense tab at

Hay que, Tener que, deber

L2cPE TENER and phrases Open L2cPE TENER and phrases

Tener practice (from level 1)

Tener Expressing obligations

Tener Expressing Obligations.pptx Open Tener Expressing Obligations.pptx

Tener deber prohibir practice

L2cPE estar&ser Open L2cPE estar&ser

SER vs estar practica

L2cPE interrogative words Open L2cPE interrogative words

Interrogative practice

CPS of interrogative words.

The interrogatives Notes:

written by Rodney Grantham

The interrogatives in Spanish, much like English, each seek a particular type of information. If you know what each interrogative seeks then you can easily figure out which one to use based on the answer that is given in the response. Although, many verbs are used with interrogatives, some interrogatives are used more with certain verbs.

¿Adónde? = seeks destination. This interrogative is usually used with the verb “ir = to go” in Spanish.

¿De dónde? = seeks origin. This interrogative is used many times with the verbs “venir = to come” or “ser”

¿Dónde? = seeks current location. This interrogative is used many times with the verb “estar”

¿Cuándo? = seeks time. This interrogative is used many times with the verb “ser”

¿Cómo? = seeks a means or a state of being.

¿Por qué? = seeks reason.

¿Quién (es)? = seeks identity. It has a singular and plural form in Spanish.

¿Quién es ella? Se llama María

¿Quiénes son ellos? Ellos se llaman María y José.

¿Cuánto (a)? = Seeks an amount or a price

¿Cuanto vale el sofa? Vale $200.00?

¿Cuántos (as) = seeks quantity.

¿Cuantos libros hay? Hay 30.

Please see my notes on ¿Qué ? vs. ¿Cuál? for and explanation of these two interrogatives.

¿Que? vs ¿Cual?

When qué is followed by the verb ser then the question seeks the definition of something.

¿Que es una panadería? - What is a bread store?

Es una tienda donde se hace pan. – It is a store where bread is made.

When cuál is followed by the verb ser then the question seeks information not definition.

¿Cuál es tu dirección? – What is your address?

Es 120 Pedro Esteve, Denia España. – It is 120 Pedro Esteve, Denia Spain.

When qué is followed directly by a noun then the question gives an unlimited choice.

¿Qué fruta prefieres? – What fruit do you prefer?

Prefiero un mango. – I prefer a mango.

When Cuál is followed directly by a noun then the question gives a limited choice. This is when cuál takes on its true meaning of which in English.

¿Cuál fruta prefieres la manzana o la naranja? – Which fruit would you prefer the apple or the


¿Cómo eres? Practice Level 1 Journal entry to describe yourself & others

You need to be able to describe someone using the verb llamarse, llevar, ser y tener.

Students should remember sentence order, conjugation and adjective matching noun.

L2cPE Como eres Open L2cPE Como eres

L2cPE colores&ropa Open L2cPE colores&ropa

This website is in English but it has the same project as on Realidades p13 (Poemas en diamante):

Sp2 Unit PE P1 Vocabulary List
L2cPE classroom phrases level1
L2cPE classroom phrases level 2
L2cPE pronouns
Word Order.pptx
adjective matching
L2cPE present tense
L2cPE TENER and phrases
Tener practice
L2cPE interrogative words
interrogative word practice
Tener Expressing Obligations.pptx
Tener deber prohibir.docx
L2cPE estar&ser
La Práctica con SER o ESTAR