family tree

Family Tree Project

This assignment is designed for the students to demonstrate their mastered ability to do the followings:

1. Identify family relationships in Spanish,

2. Describe someone physically and their characteristics,

3. Create a well structured correct Spanish sentence,

4. Utilize the verbs tener, ser, gustar, llamar and llevar,

5. Gender and quantity matching of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives,

6. Correct usage of accents in the Spanish Language,

7. Use technology for educational purposes

Project requirements:

1. Students will create a tree background (2pts) where they will label and link a family tree in Spanish. The all of the textbook's relationship vocabulary will be used at least once. For example: 1 abuelo, 1 hijo, 1 primo, ect...

2. Their will be at least 10 images of the family members labeled (1pt each = 0.5 image & 0.5 for relationship link) with their relationship in Spanish. Images of family members can be drawings, clip art, and photos. Family members can be famous or ananymous people and characters.

3. Write at least one sentence describing each family member in Spanish. Minimum of 20 sentences (1pt each). Each grammar mistake in a sentence will be worth (0.10 of a point).Accents are required using software symbols or manually written on the project. Sentences should vary thus using all learned verbs and vocabulary words.

4. Use of technology (10 pts) including typing sentences, use of clip art or digital pictures, saving documents, using background drops, color printing....

5. Must be letter or legal size paper. (3pts)

Total credit: 45points.

Grammar review:


yo, tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, Maria y yo, vosotros, Maria y tú, ellos, ellas, ustedes

Verbs: (tener, ser, llevar, vivir, llamar, gustar)

yo tengo, tú tienes, él/ella/usted tiene, nosotros tenemos, vosotros teneis, ellos/ellas/ustedes tienen.

yo soy (de) , tú eres (de) , él/ella/usted es (de), nosotros somos (de), vosotros sois (de) , ellos/ellas/ustedes tienen.

yo llevo, tú llevas, él/ella/usted lleva, nosotros llevamos, vosotros llevais, ellos/ellas/ustedes llevan.

yo vivo (en), tú vives (en) , él/ella/usted vive, nosotros vivimos, vosotros vivís, ellos/ellas/ustedes viven.

yo me llamo, tú te llamas, él/ella/usted se llama, nosotros nos llamamos, ellos/ellas/ustedes se llaman.

(no) me/te/le/nos/os/les gusta(n)


clothing: camisa, pantalones,calcetines,blusa,vestido,suéter, zapatos,

color: blanco(a/os/as), negro, rojo, azul,verde, anaranjado, amarillo,

description: trabajador, perezoso, gordo, grande, pequeño, largo, corto, bajo,

places: casa, apartamento, Estados Unidos, España,

some/a/the: un/una/unas/unos/la/las/el/los