chapter Para Empezar


This chapter is divided into 3 parts. Students should learn the vocabulary of each presentation.

Study the meaning and the spelling of the words and or phrases.

Expect a daily quiz to demonstrate your mastery of each group of vocabulary and its use.

E-book Student home page to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at:


Objectives: Greet people at different times of the day. Introduce yourself to others. Standards: 1.1, 1.2

L1cPE1 what is your name sp1 Open L1cPE1 what is your name sp1 (presentation embedded below)

p3. Introduction to boys and girls names in Spanish. Be able to differentiate among they if its a boys or girls name.

L1cPE1 greetingsSPI Open L1cPE1 greetingsSPI (presentation embedded below)

ebook: p3 go-online, p3 mas practica

L1cPE1 Greetings Familiar and Formal Open L1cPE1 Greetings Familiar and Formal (presentation embedded below)

e-book: p5 go-online, p5 mas practica icon

Differentiate between tú vs usted. (you informal vs informal)

You should now be able to hold the following dialogue in writing and oral in Spanish .

Good morning, how are you? I am well, thank you. And you?

I am doing well. thank you. What is your name? My name is _____ (both last names).

My name is _____. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Likewise. Good bye/see you later.

Objectives: Respond to classroom directions. Standards: 1.1, 1.2

L1cPE1 classroom phrases level1 Open L1cPE1 classroom phrases level1 (presentation embedded below) Play Simon says with Total Physical response for classroom phrases.

L1cPE2 Alfabetoz Open L1cPE2 Alfabetoz (presentation embedded below) song with Elmo

Spelling words out loud in Spanish ie hache-o-u-ese- e = house

Use to practice spelling out loud alone.

Student should be able to take advantage of the similarities of the letters and sound to the English language to help with spelling words out in Spanish. Knowing the word verbally should give you advantage of how to spell it. There are only a few letters that have 2 sounds, and only one that is silent.

L1cPE2 Reading out loud Open L1cPE2 Reading out loud (presentation embedded below)

Objective: Begin using numbers to tell time. standards: 1.2, 1.3, 1.1

L1cPE1 numeros Open L1cPE1 numeros (presentation embedded below)

Basic number spelling practice at

practice numbers with 6 e-drills at

Enjoy games at

e book practice: p7 go-online, p7 mas practica icon.

practice on also

L1cPE1 Time Open L1cPE1 Time (presentation embedded below)

ebook practice: p8 go-online, p8 mas practica icon

Students should be able to tell time using both styles for anytime after 35mins.

Example: 8:40am: It is eight forty in the morning & It is twenty minutes until nine o'clock in the morning.

Objective: identify body parts. standards : 1.2, 1.1

L1cPE1 El Cuerpo Open L1cPE1 El Cuerpo (presentation embedded below)

ebook practice: p9 go-online, p9 mas practica, p22 vocabulary e-flash cards

paper- based practice: p1-10 guided workbook. study p22 vocabulary

Objectives: Talk about things in the classroom. Ask questions about new words and phrases. Use the alphabet to spell words. standard: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

L1c2B Escuela Open L1c2B Escuela (presentation embedded below)

L1cPE2 class objects and articles Open L1cPE2 class objects and articles (presentation embedded below)

e-book practice: p11 go-online, p11 más práctica

Objectives: Telling day & date to talk about hings related to the calendar. Learn about the Aztec calendar. Standard:1.2,1.2, 3.1

What is today vs tomorrow vs yesterday? day and date.

short date and long date (31st of December, 2012 vs 21/12/2012)

e-practice: p15 actividad 8 & 9 in textbook, p16 go-online, p16 más práctica icon

paper-based practice: p11-18 guided workbook

Days_of_the_Week_and_Months_of_the_Year‎[1]‎.ppt Open Days_of_the_Week_and_Months_of_the_Year‎[1]‎.ppt (presentation embedded below)

Objective: Describe the weather conditions, identify the season and compare weather in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 3.1

L1cPE3 weather Open L1cPE3 weather (Presentation embedded below)

e-practice: (weather quiz) ,

p19 go-online, p19 más práctica icon.

paper-based practice: p19-24 guided workbook. p19 actividad 1-3

oral presentation: as described in the presentation p20 textbook,

4 Spanish maps/weather conditions/ temperature in Celcius with...

introduction & salutation weather report in Spanish.

Chapter Review for Assessment:

Vocabulary quiz based on chapter PE list on page 22 . Flashcard in the e-book p22.

practice: P23 go-online, mind quiz game

Also review by visiting the E-book Student home page: to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more..

Students recording in class using Chromebooks

Dialogue recorded in class to apply chapter PE learned knowledge.

RECORDING: Students will use as the web-based recorder with Chromebooks (has mics). Teacher will pair students for recording. Student will record under teacher supervision a dialogue in Spanish.

GRADING: The conversation will be grade overall mastery of the language grade of 1-5 star system using the AP Spanish Rubric (in order to allow student to get used to be assessed with the same Rubric from level 1 on up). Rubric for this oral Spanish assessments is called Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation Rubric (click for access). Student must be convey the idea in spoken Spanish. Students were given time to create transcript of the dialogue with partner& practice time prior to recording.

PROJECT THEME: Student must display the following topics: 1. Greetings 2. request names/replies 3. Introduce to the person 4. Request age & reply 5. Talk of likes 6. Invite to do an activity (with day & time) 7. accept &/ decline 8. confirm date & time of future meeting. 9. exchange tel # 10. proper salutation

L1cPE2 Alfabetoz
L1cPE1 greetingsSPI
L1cPE1 Greetings Familiar and Formal
L1cPE2 Reading out loud
L1cPE1 Time
L1c2B Escuela
L1cPE3 weather
L1cPE2 class objects and articles
L1cPE1 El Cuerpo
L1cPE1 classroom phrases level1
L1cPE1 what is your name sp1