chapter 4A


E-book Student home page to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at:

p171 Francisco de Goya paintings like "el quitasol"

art Francisco de Goya Open art Francisco de Goya (Presentation embedded below)

p194 vocabulary extracurricular activities list & flashcards

p172-179 readings activity 1,2, 4, 5, 7

pWAV writing p75, video p71-71

p173&175 go-online

p115-124 guided workbook

p173&175 mas practica

CH4A Vocabulary QUIA QUIZ

L1c4A ir a & ver ‎(present)‎ Open L1c4A ir a & ver ‎(present)‎ (Presentation embedded below)

cps of the verb "ir" in the present tense

VERB (to go to) IR +a + the location ch4A

(to go to) Ir + a + infinitive verb ch4B

& comparing to the verb VER (to see)

p180 GramActiva video

p180 actividad 11

p183 go-online

p125-126 guided workbook

p183 mas practica

With the lesson of the verb IR (to go) , we also discuss the verb Ver (to see) since their conjugation are similar.

Ir + a + location/Infinitive verb: Practice activities

L1c4A interrogative words Open L1c4A interrogative words (Presentation embedded below)

Remember that idiomatic expression do not literally translate,

for example in Spanish it is said "Which is the date?" and in English "What is the date?"

Interrogative words: p184 GramActiva Video

p184 actividad 15

p186 go-online

p127-128 guided workbook

p186 mas practica

Interrogative words practice activities

It's a good time to review IRREGULAR VERBS in the present tense (required for level 1 curriculum)

Venir y tener ‎(present)‎.ppt Open Venir y tener ‎(present)‎.ppt (Presentation embedded below)

Venir practice

Click here to view practice activities of irregular verbs in the yo tense verbs TENER & VENIR.

p188-190 Spanish reading. p189 mas practica

Fondo cultural readings p186 San Juan, p185 Movies, 182 la comunidad,p181 gyms, 177 la plaza

p191 Spanish oral presentation

p193 Readings about USA & Hispanic history

Close reading Questions:

1. What is the origin of the first colonist of the USA? ____, ____, & ____.

2. List the states and countries that was part of the Spanish empire.

3. List the states and countries that was part of the French empire.

4. What is a proof of Spanish influence in USA cities that can be still seen today.

5. What is the historical importance of El Alamo?

6. Why Spanish ships needed protection during the colonization period & from whom?

ch4A review p195 go-online /MindQuiz

ch4A Pruebas

ch4A TEST (including listening & reading)

Venir y tener (present).ppt
art Francisco de Goya
L1c4A interrogative words
ir a & ver (present)