3 ch 3


E-book Student home page for Spanish 3 to review all material for each chapter, includes songs, puzzles and more.. check it out at: http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=jek&wcsuffix=0001

Objectives: Talk about healthy choices. Standards:1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.2

preparacion para capitulo 3

p108 vocabulario de comida

L1c3A comida

Open L1c3A comida

p109 pronombres de complemento directo: (DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS) ME, TE, Lo/la, NOS, OS, Los/Las

and their location before a conjugated verb and attached the infinitive verbs or verbs that finish with -ndo .

P110 vocabulario del cuerpo y la buena salud.

L2c2A El Cuerpo

Open L2c2A El Cuerpo

p111 pronombres de complemento indirecto (INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS) ME, TE, LE, NOS, OS, LES

and their location before a conjugated verb or attached to infinitive verbs/verbs that end with -ndo.

ebook practice: p111 go-online icon, p111 mas practica icon

paper practice: p78-81 guided practice AVSR


Open L2c3A 3B DOP&IOP

Be prepared for an pre-chapter 3 ASSESSMENT

Capitulo 3: parte 1

objective: to understand and engage in conversations about health, food, and nutrition.

p114 A primera vista 1: vocabulario de la salud

ebook practice: p117 go-online icon, p117 mas practica icon, p150 flashcards

paper practice: p82-89 guided workbook,

P118 Manos a la obra 1:

objectives:(in)formal commands to talk about eating habits, symptoms and remedies.

p121 Mandatos afirmativos con tu: regular verbs : ar= a er/ir= e

irregular verbs: decir, salir, hacer, ser, ir, tener, mantener, venir, poner

ebook practice: p121 go-online icon, p121 mas practica icon

paper practice: p90-91 guided workbook, WAV Wbk p41

L2c3B Commands tú and pronoun placement

Open L2c3B Commands tú and pronoun placement

p122 Mandatos negativos con tu: ar=es er/ir= as while using the yo stem of the verb.

irregular verbs: dar, estar, ir, ser.

-car = ques, -zar = ces, -gar=gues

location of the pronoun is after the no. "No lo comas"

ebook practice: p122 go-online icon, p122 mas practica icon

paper practice: P92-93 guided workbook, WAV wbk writing p42

p123 Mandatos afirmativos y negativos con UD y Uds. ar=e/en er/ir=a/an while using the yo present tense stem.

for negatives, only add "no" before the command.

Pronouns for negatives are after the "no." For positive add to the end and add accent ( on the next to last syllable)

ebook practice: p125 go-online icon, p125 mas practica icon

paper practice: p94-95 guided workbook, WAV wbk writing p43

Commands formal and pronoun placement.ppt

Open Commands formal and pronoun placement.ppt

Practice activity: Write the following commands for EACH. Tú affirmative, Tú Negative, Ud Affirmative, Uds Negative

1. Poner la camisa

2. Irse al mercado

3. Yo sirvo las frutas

4. despertarse tarde

5. venirse a casa

6. Jugar el fútbol

7. practicar los deportes

8. empezar la clase

9. tomar el agua

10 hacer la tarea

11. estarse en casa

12. llegar temprano

13. ller las revistas

14. pedir pizzas

15. traer refrescos

p143 presentacion oral :la vida sana

Ideas are well developed with clear transitions. good eye contact use of annotation. visuals are very helpful and are used effectively.




5 areas at maximum of 4 point each = 20 total points)

Zero points

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points


0 no effort to complete task

1 little effort to communicate

2 some effort to communicate

3 real effort to communicate4

4 usually high effortto communicate

Amount of Communication

0 no relevant information communicated by student

1 very little information communicated by student

2 some relevant information communicated by student

3 most relevant information communicated by student

4 all relevant information communicated by student


0 Could not understand anything student said

1 could understand only isolated words

2 could understand short sentences

3 could understand most of what student said

4 could understand everything student said


0 very many unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

1 quite a few unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

2 few unnatural pauses, halting and fragmentary delivery

3 few unnatural pauses

4 no unnatural pauses, almost effortless and smooth

Quality of Communication (Accuracy):

0 no statement are structurally correct

1 very few statement are structurally correct

2 structural problems and inaccuracies, although some statements are correct

3 most statements are structurally correct

4 all statement are structurally correct

be prepared for an Chapter 3 part 1 ASSESSMENT: p150 vocabulary

capitulo 3: parte 2

p126 A primera Vista 2: objectives are to understand information about physical fitness.

vocabulario p126-129

e-book practice: p129 go-online icon, p129 mas practica icon, p150 flashcards

paper practice: p96-104 guided workbook, WAV wkbk writing p44

P130 Manos a la obra 2 objective is to use the subjunctive while discussing fitness advice.

p132 El Subjuntivo: verbos regulares: ar=e/es/e/emos/eis/en er/ir=a/as/a/amos/ais/an while using yo present tense stem of the verb. honor -car/-gar/-zar rule

ebook practice: p134 go-online icon, p134 mas practica icon

paper practice: p105-106 guided workbook, WAV wbk writing p45.


Open Subjunctive.ppt

P135 El Subjuntivo: verbos irregulares: dar, estar, haber, ir, saber, ser

ebook practice: P136 go-online icon, p136 mas practica icon

paper practice: p107-108 guided workbook, WAV Wbk writing p40

p137 El Subjuntivo: Verbos con cambio de raiz

(o-ue) contar, poder, volver, costar, probar(se), llover, doler, morir

(e- ie) querer, sentarse, calentar, despertar(se), empezar, entender, divertir(se), preferir

(e-i) reir, repetir, servir, vestir(se), seguir, conseguir

ebook practice: p139 go-online icon, p139 mas practice icon

paper practice: p109-110 guided workbook, WAV wbk writing p47

Subjunctive handout practice at http://conjuguemos.com/list.php?type=fillin&division=grammar&language=spanish activity 58-62 (self-graded) www.tinyurl.com/conjuguemos1

reading practice: Adelante p140-1 practice: p141 go-online icon or p141 mas practica icon

p146-147 cambia tus habitos.

p142 listening

presentacion escrita p144-145.

Be prepared for chapter 3 ASSESSMENT: repaso p150-3, ebook practice: p153 go-online icon, p153 mas practica