PhotoStory/telling stories

PhotoStory 3 Projects

Level 1 project (scroll down for other levels)

Take pictures with the digital camera.

Save the images into the computer's My picture file of your flash drive.

Begin a new story in PhotoStory 3.

Import the images into your PhotoStory 3 project.

Edit each image to your liking. Add effect, Rotate, crop, auto fix, correct colors, correct red eye, remove black borders

Type text on each slide. Adjust the color of the text with the background and its location.

go to to copy and paste Spanish accent on to your presentation.

Write sentences in Spanish on each slide. One point per correct sentence. Half a point will be deducted for grammar mistakes.

Must not use the same sentence structure more than twice.

The last slide is a picture of everyone in the group. The title for that slide is the name of all in the students in the group.

Customize motion of transition.

Record audio. Read the sentences on each slide.

Must click on microphone icon to configure the microphone and audio.

Students must be provided with an external microphone.

Audio is one point per sentence read. Half point will be deducted per pronunciation mistake.

Backgroup music may be added as long as it does not take attention away for the reading out load of the sentences.

Save project throughout the process. Location to save project : File management, courses, name of class, GroupEdit.

Name the project the name of someone in your class. (optional: teacher could supply students with a floppy disk per group for students to use during this class project.)

Level 1 Requirements:

5 slides and 1 as a group picture. (total of 6 pictures)

2 sentences typed as title in the target language per slide. (half point deducted for each mistake.)

2 sentences Recorded per slide.

Last slide has the names of the participants

project saved in the group edit file.

Topic: to describe use the verbs Tener, Ser, Gustar, Llevar.

If the teacher decides to post the student projects as .wav files, then they will be considered Vodcasting. The district has a new server for this purpose and its site is

Photo Story 3 Project Notes:

 Write on web link Photo Story 3 is a free download from the Microsoft website. Student may download on to their home computer. They may make corrections at home.

 Remember to save the project throughout the process of production.

 Do the script before going to the computer lab.

 After adding the picture, they may move the order of their pictures.

 Last slide should show Sources.

 Students may change PowerPoint slide into a JPEG file, and import to Photo Story as a picture slide.

 The title of the pictures does not have to be the audio script.

 It could be a research paper with picture from the web. (ex: Barcelona)

 Limit presentation to 2 minutes.

 Create a Rubric for the project using which has some especially for Photo Story 3.

 (use to create PhotoStory3. Students Photo Story 3 project may be used for parent night.

 Background music should be changed to low.

(Level 2) Imperfect tense Story telling project

1. select your group of 3 members

2 . ten images .jpegs to import into photostory

3. 2 addl images as cover and closing page

4. 20 verbs in the imperfect tense

5. Draft turned in for approval

6. Read out-loud (each member of the group)

7. Theme must be a children's book, movie or a made up "G" Rated story.

8. Transitions from page to page

9. low volume back ground music from soundabounds (SVHS password in our blackboard course)

10. Could use flip camara but then must be completed with movie maker.


20 points draft

40 points subtitle sentences

10 points for 10 images. jpegs (body of your e-book)

5 points introduction & closing images

10 points for each member reading out loud part of the story

5 points low background music

5 points transition from page to page like a flipping page of a book

5 points for participation/courtesy to team members.

TOTAL OF 100 points

Students' sample work

Stephanie Hornsby, a Spanish 3cp student, created a children's e-book for her class project. Her story applies the use of preterite versus imperfect in Spanish as covered in the class. She created each image used for her book using photoshop software. The story is Little Ridding Hood with a twist.

Children's Books in Spanish project for level 2&3

(recommended site ( with or or

(for images to be saved in piccassa in school use using chromebooks )

Project: Spanish Children’s book (worth 110 total points)

Structure: Spanish 2 (application of the present, preterite and the imperfect tense sentence)

Spanish 3 (application of Level 2 knowledge and the past perfect & present perfect tense)


1. Write a simplified version of a fairy tale or create your own story.

Cover only the main events of the story. Write the story in your own words.

Change the story to include Spanish culture.

Narrate using the sentence structure recommended for your level. KEEP IT SIMPLE.

2. Submit an theme & outline of your story in English (5 points).

3. Submit a draft in Spanish to be corrected/graded. (20 pts) Late: 5 points per day during class time.

Draft must be 20 full typed lines, double spaced using font 12 of Ariel. min of 15 varied verbs.

20 lines at 1pts each = 20pts. (No more than 25 lines will be accepted.)

4. Submit your Spanish children's book. (60 pts) Late: 15 points one day, 20 point 2nd day, during class time. (No project accepted after 2 days late)

PAPER BOOKS: Use plain, unlined paper. Must be typed / use black ink.

Illustrate each page. (Max. 8 pages front and back.)

Use an attractive front and back cover. Must be durable book.

Include a final draft (with teacher's corrections) inside your book.

E-BOOK FORMAT: (approved by teacher), will turn in draft to teacher for grading purposed of the final product.

Product must use free domain images in their e-book. Teacher must be given link the day of due date.

AUDIO must be included to access Spanish fluency of the student instead of oral presentation in front of the class.

Spanish Children’s book Project Rubric






Total = 60pts

Grammar Error Correction

No effort made to correct work.

Many repeated errors and little effort made to correct work.

Most errors are corrected but not effectively.

All errors are corrected effectively


(out of 24)

Visual Appeal, creative use of Technology & Durability of book.

front/back cover missing or falling apart. Incomplete book. Not visually appealing. No technology used. No evident effort.

Parts of book falling/not clued properly. Not creative & little use of technology. Somewhat visually appealing. Little effort made.

Few elements missing. Somewhat creatively/visually appealing /sloppy image. Satisfactory use of Technology and durability. effort is evident but not to its potencial.

All elements included. Creative project. Visually appealing. Extensive use of technology. Durable. Great effort.


(out of 24)

Knowledge of Language Skills (sentence structure)

No evidence of required skills. Basic sentence structure. Use of only one time frame or tense. No transition.

Evidence of only basic level of understanding or required skills. No transition throughout the story.

Evidence of satisfactory level of understanding of required skills. Choppy transition throughout story.

High evidence of ability to apply knowledge to original situations. Smooth transition throughout story.


(out of 12)

***20 points will be reduced from the maximum point for every day it is late.

*** 10 points will be added for the final draft typed with corrections tapped on the back page.

_____ / 60

_____/ 70

Proof Reading codes

WW = wrong word

WT= wrong tense

WV= wrong verb

Past= Past tense

Pres = Present tense

RefX= Reflexive verb (lavarSE)

Imp= Imperfect tense (aba/ía)

PresP = Present perfect (ha comido/Has eaten)

PastP = Past perfect (estaba comiendo/had eaten)

P/P = Para or por incorrect usage

Fem.= feminine word

Masc. = Masculine word

WPT= Wrong Person Tense (tengo = yo person tense)

W5W= wrong use of 5W word (que, quien, cual, cuando, porque, cuanto, cuando)

lc= lower case

GA= gender agreement (lA camA)

QA= quantity agreement (laS camaS)

WPhr = wrong phrase use

- - - = upper case

( ) = delete a space

Students all or portion of their oral presentation of their children's book created for the class.

Sample of stories: (must have stories approved)

Snow White (Blanca Nieve)

3 little pigs (los tres ositos)

Goldie locks (Rocitos de oro y los tres osos)

Tale of Peter Rabbit (Pedro el conejo)

Curious George (series)

Red Clifford (series)

Peter Pan

Where the wild things are (Donde vivían los monstruos)

Horton hears a Who



Little Red Ridding hood (la caperucita roja)

Green eggs and ham (huevos verde y jamon)

Rainbow fish

Winnie Pooh (series)

Veggie Tales (series)

The boy that cried wolf



Curious George (series)

Little Mermaid (la Sirenita)

The Grinch (El Guñón)

Princess and the Frog

The beauty and the beast (La bella y la bestía)

the princess and the pauper (la bella y la plebella)